Page 22 of The Book of Wrath
Chapter 19
The night flew by so fast, his lips never left any part of my body for the rest of the night. He ate me out like I was his last meal, I can’t remember the last time I was pleasured like that. I can’t even remember the last time someone other than my dildos have made me cum so hard. If he can do that with just his tongue and fingers, I am fucked when he uses his cock.
We left the small room that we were in, moving back to the dance floor for another dance where he practically fingered me, then over to the table we originally were at. His friends are still sitting at the table. I should be embarrassed of my earlier comments, but I had lots of liquid courage in me at that time. All of which is gone from my system at this point. I looked at the shots on the table, I might need one.
“Megan, these are my buddies Tony, Roark and Andy. We all work together,” he introduced me to everyone and then made me take a seat. The fabric of my dress brushing up against my still very sensitive clit. What the fuck did he do with my panties?
“It’s nice to meet you, hopefully Max hasn’t bored you to death. He’s not a very outgoing person,” the Italian mobster looking man said. His olive skin made his green eyes so bright even in this dark room. Andy looked like your stereotypical jock, but Roark looked like he had seen some shit. His hair was dark black, which made him look so much paler than he probably was. But it was his dark brown eyes that had chills running up my spine. Every warning bell in my head was going off to be afraid of this man.
I shook my head, finally responding to Tony. “He seems pretty outgoing to me.” I smile at him. Max puts his hand on my lower back, tracing light circles on. Roark watched Max like a hawk, I wasn’t sure why though.
A cellphone rang from one of the guys at the table, then another, then another. They all pulled out their phones and I watched the lightness fade away from their faces. Something was happening. I leaned back into Max, looking up into his eyes as disappointment flooded them. I really hope he wasn’t regretting what we shared.
“I have to take you home,” he whispers in my ear. Tony and Andy were moving away from the table, but Roark stayed close to us. “We got called in, all hands-on deck situation.” He presses a light kiss to my forehead. A small comfort that I didn’t realize I needed.
“Okay,” I whisper, trying not to let the disappointment I felt in my chest at the night ending early flow into my words. It’s his job calling, not another woman.
Roark looks between me and Max, “I’m glad you found someone who makes you smile. I’m happy for you both. I’ll meet you at your house.” Max nods at Roark as he leaves us, heading for the front door.
We follow the guys out of the club, Max closing out our tab with the bar. A weird feeling of eyes on me has had me a little on edge since we left our private oasis. Tonight’s been so magical though, I don’t want tonight to end.
Chapter 19
The sound of the door clicking shut sent my bolting upright. I was only in the house a few hours since Max dropped me off, leaving me all alone. Tonight was the first time I felt safe to sleep in this room, now I’m not so sure. Footsteps creaked on the hardwood steps leading up to the main room, whoever this was had light footsteps. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and dialed 9-1-1.
“This is 9-1-1, what’s your emergency,” the dispatcher said from the other end of the line.
“My name is Megan Monroe, someone broke into my house, I can hear them walking through the halls,” I whispered into the phone.
“Do you live alone?” she asked, as I crept quietly out of my bed and headed to the door. I flicked the lock and rushed back to my bed.
“Yes, my ex used to live her until a few months ago. He’s out on bail and I’m afraid it might be him,” my voice cracked at the thought that Ryan could be back in my home. He’s been blowing up my phone for the past week.
“Ma’am, what is your address?” Her voice was steady and calm like a rock in the ocean. She must be used to things like this.
“1536 Moorestown Ln.” I continued to whisper to them, I was shaking. Violently shaking. I could hear the keyboard clicking on through the phone. She must be putting in my address trying to see if anyone is close by.
“There is an officer in route to you home. They should be there shortly. I need you to stay on the line with me,” she was trying to keep me calm, I know I need to keep calm, but my breathing quickens. I hear the footsteps hitting the steps that lead upstairs. My room was the furthest from the stairs but still. I panicked. My heart was racing, feeling like it was going to jump straight out of my chest. Who’s to say it wouldn’t give out on me before the cops get here, or worse.
The steps pick up pace as they hit the top floor, I hear the doors in the hallway get pushed open, the doors hitting the walls as they crash into them. I jump but try not to scream. Finally, the doorknob to my room gets jiggled. I hear a sultry laugh from the other side of the door. It wasn’t Ryan. Could this be someone he paid to take me out?
“Are you alright?” I had forgotten all about the phone in my hand and the dispatcher on the other end.
“No, she’s outside my bedroom door,” I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks, crashing to the blanket as they fell.
“How do you know it’s a female? Can you see her?” she asked, more keys clicked on the other end of the call.
“She laughed,” I cried out. I was having a full-blown panic attack at the worst time possible. I heard my phone chime in my ear. I pulled the phone away from my ear long enough to see that Max had sent me a text. Please tell me it was him coming to save me.
The doorknob jiggled harder as the woman on the other side of the door tried to open the door forcefully. She laughed again and this time it seemed much more sinister than I couldn’t place the laugh. Maybe this was one of the women in Ryan’s phone that he was constantly talking to behind my back. I wonder if he ever brought them back to the house when I wasn’t here.
A sudden slam to the door had me screaming and dropping my phone. The laugh from the woman was louder this time. She hit on the door again, the next hit sounded like a kick to the door, then silence.
“Go away!” I screamed, pushing myself up against the headboard. I had no gun, no knife, nothing to protect myself. Not even my fucking pepper spray. Ethan was right and I should’ve gotten something to protect myself in a situation like this. The mysterious woman laughed again, this time seeming more to enjoy the fear in my voice.