Page 3 of The Book of Wrath
“My name is Max. Officer Max Carter. I was the one who caught you in the parking lot of my station,” he replied, and just like that. A cold bucket of water was doused on the flames sparking in me. Yup, I should’ve known no one as attractive as him would be here to see me for anything more than information regarding the bullshit. I sighed.
“I told the officers everything I can remember,” I replied dryly. He laughed and looked at Alice.
“Would you mind if I talked to Miss. Monroe alone for a few minutes please miss?” He asked her all politely. Well, they did say southern boys were brought up right. Loving their momma and treating a woman like a queen. Guess I was born on the wrong side of the Mason Dixion.
“Of course, officer,” Alice replied, quickly grabbing her bag and phone. He did just save her from my wrath after all. “I’ll come back by tomorrow. I have to go pick up Mike from the airport in an hour anyway. I love you.” She hugged me gingerly before nodding her head at the officer and leaving the room.
“I didn’t mean to make her leave,” he said, apologetically. He looked at me and then at the flowers and cards. His eyes landed on a huge orange, yellow and red bouquet of roses in the corner. I hadn’t even checked who any of these were from. I probably should seeing as I have to send thank you cards as soon as I am out of the hospital. “Oh good, they did arrive.”
I looked at him walking over to the roses and turning them, so the array looked more like floral fire in a vase. They were beautiful. The only really beautiful ones in the bunch. “You sent those?” I asked, curiosity leaking into my voice.
“Yes, I hope you’re okay with that. You looked as if you could use a pick me up,” He smiled and gestured to the now vacated seat by the bed. “May I?” he asked softly. I nodded and he took his seat. I could make out some tattoos under the sleeves of his shirt, but I couldn’t focus on what they were.
“So, if you’re not here to ask me about that night, then why are you here?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t sounding rude or disrespectful.
“I’ve been checking in on you periodically. I made sure EMS got you here before heading to your house. Got clipped by a car pulling out of the driveway. Never would’ve expected that,” he chuckled to himself. The pang of guilt racked me again. If I would’ve stayed in the house, he wouldn’t have gotten hit by Ryan’s car.
“I’m sorry you got hurt,” I said, eyes glued to my hands as I wrung the blanket between my fingers. “I shouldn’t have went there and got you involved. Are you okay?” I looked up at him. A pure look of terror shot across his face.
“Please don’t ever say that again. You did the right thing, Miss. It is my job to serve and protect others. I know the risks of it, and I would gladly pay it, if it meant I saved one life.” He replied, pride in his voice. He looked at me and sighed. I wish people would stop sighing around me. It’s getting old. “You’re looking a lot better than you were when I first saw you. I’m glad of that.”
I felt my cheeks heat slightly, I couldn’t for the life of me wonder why he was coming to see me. “Do you always check up on girls you save?” I asked teasingly. It was his turn for his cheeks to blush a light pink. I guess not.
“No, Miss. I just didn’t like seeing a woman like yourself in danger and looking like you went a few rounds in a boxing ring,” he replied.
“My names Megan. You don’t have to keep calling me Miss. So, Officer Carter, what can I do for you,” I smiled with what I thought was a flirty smile, but who knows how I actually look. I felt like I was run over by a mac truck. Who’s to say I don’t look that way too. He smiled at me and looked over at the TV.
“Supernatural fan, huh? I’d have to say I think Cas and Crowley are my favorites,” he chuckled.
“Dean and Cas for me,” I replied, a more genuine smile took over my face. Nothing more was said, and nothing more was asked of me. He sat with me for the next few hours, as we watched Supernatural reruns.
Chapter 3
Officer Carter sat with me for hours. He was there when lunch was brought and the look on his face at the meal placed in front of me was priceless. He scrunched his nose, “That looks like it tastes like cardboard.” I laughed a little at his disgust. It hurt my chest to laugh.
“You sure you don’t want some?” I offered with a tease. I pushed the tray away from me. I really didn’t want to eat this crap anymore. He wasn’t wrong in his assumption that it tasted like cardboard. Wet, seasonless, colorless as well. It was gross. I’m sure prisoners got fed better than this.
“Do you want McDonald’s or something? I can always order something or go get it for you. You shouldn’t be subjected to that,” he said pointing his glance at the beige tray on the rolling cart. I looked at him and didn’t know what to say or even why he was being this nice to me. It didn’t make sense.
A soft knock came at the door and my spine straightened more. The door opened without me saying a word. “Good afternoon Miss. Monroe. I see Officer Carter has been sitting post with you.” A tall, blonde female came into the room, shooting Officer Carter the dirtiest look she could manage. Rude. Her uniform clearly ironed and pressed, probably sits in a bag in her closet when she isn’t wearing it. “Sheriff wanted me to come and let you know that a detail will be placed on you when you leave the hospital. Mr. Paxley made bail. There will be officers stationed outside the door to the room checking ID’s of those coming in and out. I hope you understand.”
The sound of my heart shattering echoes through me. The reality of that night crashing into me hard. I couldn’t breathe, sharply inhaling the best I can. “Where is he staying?” I asked, my voice barely audible to my own ears. I don’t know how she heard me. My eyes trailed over to look at Officer Carter who was gripping the arms of the chair, making his knuckles pure white.
“He was placed on house arrest at his uncles house,” she replied softly, I guess she knew where my thoughts were going. I could appreciate that. His uncle lived in Pennsylvania, about forty-five minutes away from Philly.
“What judge let him out on bail?” Max said from the other side of me. The woman cut him the darkest glare. I would’ve balked under that stare, but he didn’t. He stared a hole back into her.
“Officer Carter, I know you are on temporary leave until your injury is fully healed, but remember who I am and who you are,” she snapped, he dug his fingers tighter into the arm of the chair and I felt bad for the chair. It didn’t deserve that. Then again, neither did he.
“Well, if you won’t answer him. Maybe you’ll answer me,” I snapped as well. I wanted to know what judge in their damn right mind would allow that fucker out. She looked at me, her irritation still simmering.
“They thought it was best for him to be in the custody of his uncle. He has an ankle monitor; he can’t leave the house.,” she reiterated. I guess she doesn’t realize that he can get out of those things. He was good at escaping things that weren’t supposed to be escaped. He loved escape rooms and things like that. It means a lot to me. I don’t think she realizes how dangerous he can be.
“You don’t know him,” I whispered. She shrugged her arms and looked past me at Max. If looks could kill, I’m pretty sure he would be dead where he sits. Surprisingly, he kept his composure under the gaze. She finally broke the gaze and nodded her head at me.
“If you need anything else. Officer Murdoch is on duty for now. If you need me, here is my number,” she hands me a matte white business card with the gold emblem of the police force on the front with her name, her station, and the address for the police station. Officer Sandra McKane. I don’t like her. Her attitude made my skin scrawl. I couldn’t imagine her being pleasant. I nodded and she took her leave from the room. I let out a small sigh, setting her card on the rolling cart that the tray of discarded food was on. I lost all appetite I had with her disturbing message.