Page 14 of Roam
Roam hid a smile because Rascal had become softer when he fell in love with Meg. He’d always had the soft center but usually was one of the ones teasing the other brothers. Roam didn’t care how it happened, but he was happy to have Rascal take some of the pressure off him.
“Okay, so we have two items to discuss. The treasurer position and the secretary position. Now, Mom and Baron have been covering the treasurer position, but we need to make a decision. Any discussion.”
Roam stood up to get everyone’s attention. “I appreciate the time you’ve all given me with becoming a single dad and dealing with all the paperwork of her leaving. With us hiring Sprite and finally having the hang of being a single dad, I’m ready to take on treasurer. I already do the books for Bluff Creek Ink along with the gun range. I think I can add on the other businesses, the MC account and other duties. I can’t thank you all enough for giving me the extra time and taking on extra duties. Brotherhood feels pretty good and I’m ready to do my part.”
“We were glad to give you the time, but your mother and I would be thrilled for you to take it over,” Baron said.
“All in favor of Roam assuming the Club Treasurer position along with receiving the officer’s pay for this position?”
All his brothers supported his nomination and relief washed through Roam. He’d known the brothers had his back, but sometimes, the doubts of how Shanna had made him feel less-than overwhelmed him.
“Congratulations, brother. I’ll leave it up to you to visit with Baron and Mom on how you take it over. Now, on to Club Secretary. Scoop has been covering it along with tech. Scoop, are you interested in continuing to hold both positions? If so, we need to make it official.”
Scoop shook his head no. “With the amount of leads we’re tracing and the hours we’re spending checking, it’s more than I can handle. Sarah and I haven’t had a free night this week and it’s not sustainable long term.”
“Nominations for the position or does someone else want to cover?”
“I think Slice is doing a great job since he’s come to the MC. I know it would be soon to promote him to officer, but we did it with Cruise because of their prior military experience,” Flick suggested.
“I agree with Flick. Slice is calm, methodical and is someone I think would make a great officer.”
Heads around the room nodded at Cannon’s words and Roam agreed. Slice was one of those he could see in the position.
“All in favor of Slice being offered Club Secretary?”
The ayes echoed around the room.
War smiled. “Let’s have the party for Sprite and her family tonight and plan on doing the promotions at our Friday party. Now, get out of here and get to work. I need some more coffee.”
Roam cracked a smile and stood to leave. Pats on the back and congratulations from his brothers slowed him down. But it was a good feeling to know his brothers had confidence in his abilities.
Now, he needed to go pick up his kids and Sprite and her kids to show them the daycare. All the kids were going to spend a couple hours there while Sprite and Clara went on a tour of the town with his mom. Then they’d pick up all the kids for playtime with Bear’s kids before lunch. Roam was glad he’d planned a light day because he wanted to spend time with his kids and Sprite at lunch, but first, he needed to get some work done.
He walked out of the clubhouse and headed back to his house. Waving at the guys opening the garage, then passing Sprite’s house to head to his parents’. He wondered if his parents would stay in their house since it was near Rascal’s or want to build something in the area War, he and Bear had their houses. It was farther into the heart of the compound and provided more protection. But his mom talked about how much she loved their house, so his dad would have to build something amazing for her to give it up.
He'd get the kids. With seven of them, they could easily fit in the modified side-by-sides the MC had bought. He could take them on the scenic route through the compound to their daycare. He’d see if Sprite wanted to drive on the way back so she could learn the way while driving.
SPRITE WALKED OUT OF the daycare, trying to hold it together. This was the first time she was leaving her babies with people she’d just met. She trusted Roam and the MC but it didn’t make it any easier. She followed Roam out to the side-by-side and started to get in the passenger side.
“Why don’t you drive us back, so you’ll know the way better. I want you to feel comfortable being able to get to your girls.”
“Okay,” she sniffed, trying to hide her tears, walking around the vehicle. Roam’s arms came around her and she snuggled in. She was trying to be strong but this leaving her babies freaking sucked.
He reached in his pocket, pulled something out and handed it to her. She looked at what he’d given her. She’d expected maybe a tissue, but the man had given her a handkerchief. She didn’t know men still used these, but it was sweet.
“Thank you,” she said as she wiped the tears off her face.
“So, I brought it because I remember getting a little teary-eyed the first time I brought my little ones here. It’s hard leaving them, but once you see how happy they are and how much fun they have, it will get easier. I know you’ve had a huge amount of change in a short period of time, but I think you’re rocking the mom thing.”
Sprite turned to look up at Roam. He was smiling down at her. It had been hard leaving what they’d known, but she had a good feeling about Bluff Creek.
She pulled away and got in the vehicle. It looked like a souped-up golf cart but with three rows of seats along with a small bed to carry stuff in. She loved all the toys the MC seemed to have to make things easier.
She followed Roam’s directions, memorizing so she could always get to her kids. She was looking forward to Regina taking her and Clara around the area to get to know it. Plus, a little time away from her kids would be good. Although she’d been gone from them this weekend, it hadn’t been restful because she’d been nervous about the competition and then her night with Roam hadn’t included a lot of sleep. Today, she wanted to enjoy the area and get to know some people.
Regina had also said when they picked up the kids, they could go to the farm as she called it and pick some sand plums and blueberries. Oakley didn’t understand, but Phoebe had raved to Blake about getting to eat the berries right off the vines. Blake had thought through her clothes this morning because she didn’t want to ruin her outfits with berry juice.