Page 20 of Roam
“Our mom,” Remi motioned to the five sisters, “died almost ten years ago. After I started assuming more responsibilities at the bail bonds, I started seeing more people in abusive situations. I felt helpless and started discussing it with my sisters. A little under two years ago, we formed Kathryn’s Wings. It’s a hidden part of our security company. It’s never spoken about except in closed spaces where no one can overhear. Not even all of the MC know about it. Prospects don’t and some of the newer guys haven’t been brought in yet. Roam does know so as long as no kids are around and you’re in a closed space, he could answer questions if you want to know right away.
Kathryn’s Wings helps victims of human trafficking, sexual abuse and domestic violence. We help them to get out of the situation, find new places to live and find new jobs. We call them survivors because it’s a new start. We felt that there was a need. I brought it up tonight because we have something still hanging out there and I worry it might bring trouble and I want everyone ready.
When Sarah helped rescue Rose from a corrupt cop, we got her and Tasha here to be safe but were unable to track down everyone involved. Sarah and Scoop have been searching for leads but the back of my neck is itching, and I want everyone watching for anything unusual.”
Sprite nodded, trying to think through all Remi had said. These women who were offering her friendship were fierce, badass women fighting for good in the world. She wanted to be a part of it but wasn’t sure what she could do. For now, she’d keep her eyes out.
“Well, I’m really glad that Roam offered Sprite a job because this place is awesome. Maybe I should learn to shoot a gun,” Clara said.
“We have our own range and Cannon runs it. He’d be happy to teach you since by your shirt, you’re obviously his old lady. Or any of us can,” Beth teased.
Sprite got up to refill her plate because she was worried if she sat there she might break down crying. When she’d been worried about how she’d supply the basic essentials for the girls, she’d never dreamed she’d find a place like this. A place her girls would be cherished and grow up with friends, never knowing what an empty stomach or too small clothes felt like.
A hand on her shoulder had her turning. Kennedy was standing beside her with an understanding look on her face. “It’s a little hard to believe that they’re for real, isn’t it?”
Sprite nodded because her throat felt so full she wasn’t sure she could speak.
“They helped rescue me from a situation but that’s a story for another day. What I will say is relax and enjoy the ride. From what I’ve seen of Roam, he’s a devoted father, a good brother and someone you can trust. He’s had a rough road too. I think you both deserve a happily ever after.”
Sprite nodded as Kennedy gave her shoulder one last squeeze before she went to sit down. It had been a whirlwind since she’d met Roam but each time she doubted, something told her that it was all okay. She’d never believed she’d get a happily ever after like she read about in the books. It was early days, and she wasn’t quite ready to completely let down her guard, but she’d keep an open mind.
Chapter Twelve
Sprite was ready for her training today. She’d spent the weekend getting laundry done and organizing their stuff the way she liked it. She’d also taken the girls to the park to play and explored the small town. They’d eaten at the diner and walked the streets to get familiar with the area, including visiting the park and the D-Day memorial that the club had built.
Winnie had invited them to come by the gym and Blake had bugged Sprite until she made it happen. Winnie had showed her a list of classes she wanted to offer for kids if she could find teachers. Blake and Phoebe had bounced around the room at the thought of gymnastics.
Oakley had enjoyed the play area that Winnie had and had hung out with David. Sprite had been excited to get to snuggle Winnie’s youngest Joey. He’d been crawling but was more than happy to snuggle against her shoulder while she and Winnie chatted.
She’d offered to help the group that was moving Roam into his house, but Roam had said the guys were just moving big furniture. Regina and a couple of the women had moved all the small kitchen items and clothing while Roam was gone.
She’d had Sunday lunch at the clubhouse, which she’d learned was a weekly event. She was thrilled to have one more meal she didn’t have to worry about. Roam had informed her the menu changed weekly but after having homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and a roll, Sprite would be fine with that meal each weekend.
Sprite hadn’t grown up with a mom who cooked much of anything, so it was a treat that Regina loved cooking. She’d even offered for Phoebe and Blake to help her in two weeks because they were making homemade pizza and she needed help with the dough and toppings.
Sprite pushed in the door and prepared herself to be in close proximity to Roam. She’d worn her jeans and one of her new Bluff Creek Ink tank tops. Roam was walking out of a back room when she entered, and she hoped she wasn’t drooling. A tight Bluff Creek Ink black T-shirt tucked into jeans that hugged every bulge, then tapered down, highlighting his thighs. Motorcycle boots completed his look, and she wondered how the heck she was going to concentrate on anything when he was around looking so delicious.
“Good morning! Holy moly, Sprite. How the heck am I supposed to not be hard all the time when you’re in that sexy top?”
Sprite giggled because at least if she was having trouble so was he. She walked closer, looking up at him. Normally she didn’t mind being short but if she wanted to kiss his cheek, she’d need to jump or pull him closer. She grasped his beard on his chin, pulling him down. She leaned up and brushed her lips against his cheek above his beard.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he said, adjusting himself. “Let’s get to work so I can think about something besides my cock and your tight, hot pussy.”
“Roam,” Sprite growled.
“Okay, I’ll quit but just know this is hard for me.”
Sprite giggled, then wheezed. Roam rolled his eyes at her. Yep, it was hard for her. Hard enough she wanted to run her fingers and feel it pushing against his jeans, but she was supposed to be learning. They had to figure out a way to work together without getting all worked up. Though she was luckier than Roam. Her panties were soaked but they weren’t noticeable like his hard-on was.
“Sorry, now teach me about the appointment system.”
She walked around the reception desk and took a seat, waiting on Roam to join her. Whew. She was glad she didn’t blush when she got embarrassed because she’d be redder than a tomato.
She could do this. She had to.
ROAM HAD FINISHED EXPLAINING all the different parts of the scheduling system and they’d downloaded the app on Sprite’s phone so she could accept clients, message them or do anything with the system from home.