Page 34 of Roam
As long as the baby was sleeping, Sprite could refrain from jumping up but if he, because they’d called it a he multiple times, started crying, there was no way she could stay sitting. She glanced over as two officers walked over close to the baby stroller.
“Uh, uh, uh. He’s sleeping. If he wakes up, then you can hold him. You and I both know he probably didn’t rest with that trollop of a mom.”
Both officers chuckled.
“So how long are you on desk duty for, Della?”
“Well, if you keep bugging me and I squeeze your crotch, it will probably be two weeks, not just the one.”
Both officers instinctively covered their crotches. Sprite was working not to giggle again but this Della was a riot.
“Now, Della. You know he had to get after you,” one of the men said but stopped when Della held up her hand, then turned toward him.
“Don’t even act like this was fair. You gave that perp a black eye and sprained his wrist the day before I got in trouble. There is one rule for the men and another for me. You trying to excuse the captain doesn’t make it right.”
Both men didn’t say anything but turned and walked away. Regina stood up and paced a little.
“Della, is it?”
Della nodded at Regina. “Yes.”
“If you’re not tied to this area, I have a couple friends who run a female led bail bonds and security company. They are always looking for new people to join. They have offices in a couple places in Kansas. The closest one is about five hours from here.”
Della stared at Regina. “Are you serious?”
Regina walked closer. “I am. Do you want me to leave their card? I can guarantee you wouldn’t be penalized for defending yourself.”
Della nodded, and Regina pulled a card out of her pocket. “Tell them Regina told you to call. Remi, the oldest sister, is my daughter-in-law.”
Della smiled and put the card away. Sprite wondered if she’d take Regina up on her offer. She couldn’t imagine when the man had grabbed Della’s crotch first that she was being penalized for returning the favor.
Yelling had Sprite standing up to see where the sound was coming from better. The door to the room Roam had been in was open and who she assumed was Shanna was being led out.
“Roam, you ass, someday I’ll pay you back for this.”
“Ms. Schoomer, you and your attorney agreed to you signing the papers. Roam has done nothing but provide for the children. You are divorced and have given up all rights to your children. Perhaps you should use your time to decide how you want to live the rest of your life,” Roam’s attorney said.
The officer held Shanna’s arm with her hands cuffed in front of her and led her down the hallway and through a door. Once she left, Roam, his attorney, Baron and the social worker walked out.
“Mr. Shields, with the agreement Ms. Schoomer signed, you have sole custody of your three children and only need to have your lawyer file it with the state. Since you’re on the birth certificate and she signed her rights away, you have temporary custody of the baby. We’ll still have to have a couple of formal visits before you can go before a judge and get permanent custody but, for now, he is yours. If you have a car seat, I can go ahead and give him to you now. If you need to buy a car seat, I can follow you.”
“Umm, you know, we didn’t even think about a car seat. With my twins graduating to the next size, I’m guessing I had one at home we could use but not one of us thought of that. We’ll need to go buy one. I’m guessing he has the bare minimum, so we should probably get diapers, etc., but honestly, I really can’t think well until I see him.”
The social worker smiled and walked over to turn the stroller toward Roam. Roam bent down on one knee close and stroked his finger across the baby’s hand.
“I promise you, son, I will always keep you safe.”
Sprite swallowed, trying to hold back the tears and walked closer, touching Roam’s arm.
“What about you dropping Regina and me at the store I saw near the hotel? You and Baron could go on to the hotel and then you can spend time with your son. Baron, can come back and pick us up when we’re done? We’ll need what? Formula, what size diapers, what type of bottle he’s used to, so we disrupt his life as little as possible.”
Roam nodded his head. “Does that work?”
The social worker nodded. “Perfect. I have a packet with all those particulars and not having to wait while you shop will help me make my next appointment.”
“Okay, is it okay if I push his stroller to your car?” Roam asked.
Sprite followed them out and knew she would help Roam do whatever he needed to have this little boy have a wonderful life.