Page 40 of Roam
The storm had blown through quickly. The compound didn’t have any major damage besides a couple of items blown over on the farm. The orchard trees were all good. It was like most storms they’d had lately. The weather man had warned of an epic storm and then it had changed direction, barely hitting them. It seemed to Roam it was one of the few jobs you could be wrong seventy percent of the time and never get fired. Roam didn’t begrudge him warning everyone. He’d rather prepare and then have nothing happen than be caught unaware.
He hadn’t really thought through where Matthew was going to go. The daycare would welcome his little one with open arms, but Roam couldn’t make himself drop him off with the other kids. Since Remi and War had spent the night, Remi had offered to drop the kids off on her way to work since she worked in the same building.
War had offered to take Matthew because he was just doing office stuff today and could easily have Matthew with him. Roam also had multiple texts from different people offering to watch Matthew. Meg, Rascal’s woman, had sent three. His mom had sent two.
Matthew had fallen asleep after his bottle and Roam hadn’t laid him down. Instead, he was sitting at his kitchen island, holding his son with one hand and scrolling his messages with the other. His first client would be there in twenty minutes and Roam couldn’t bring himself to leave. He didn’t want to be apart from Matthew, but he also didn’t know how he’d complete his appointments if Matthew started crying.
His back door opened and Bear walked in.
“I figured you might be here still. Let’s get all Matthew’s stuff so you can get to work.”
“What’s going on?”
“After Rascal talked with you, he texted all of us who work around the tattoo studio. We’re all on call and will be happy to cover diaper changes, feedings, breaks, etc., so Matthew can stay close to you the next couple of days.”
Bear walked into what Roam had decided was the nursery and started packing. With a little one, Bear knew what was needed. Roam relaxed and gazed at his son.
The daycare was great, but Roam had a need to know that Matthew was safe with him for a while. He hadn’t been there when he was born. He’d missed the first two months, and he wasn’t ready to miss anything more. He might think differently in a couple of days or weeks, but right now, he wanted to be able to hold Matthew between clients.
“Let’s get ready for work since it seems like everyone’s taking care of us.”
ROAM FINISHED HIS FIRST client. Matthew had slept through most of it, and when he’d woken, Sprite had finished her client. Rascal had pouted because his client hadn’t paid quick enough, so he missed out on holding Matthew.
Sprite had changed him and was sitting on their office couch cuddling him while he drank his bottle. She had a client in ten minutes, so he knew Rascal would be taking his son as soon as possible.
“Sprite, is your area set up for you next client? I’m happy to hold him if you need to work.”
Sprite chuckled. “Try again. I have at least five more minutes, then you can get your hands on him if Stella and Meg don’t get here first. They don’t have any patients for an hour and were planning on heading over.”
Roam could almost feel Rascal’s eyes focused on him.
“I’m your partner. I have the next two hours free, so why are those women coming over to hog him?”
“One of those women is yours. Can’t you control her?” Roam asked, pausing because his client’s body moved when he chuckled.
The ding of the studio door had Rascal pausing.
“Where’s the newest legacy to the brotherhood?” Stella asked, walking in and heading toward the office.
“Ladies, why don’t you all go have a cup of coffee on your break? We’ve got this covered.”
Meg kissed Rascal on the cheek above his beard, then grinned. “Try again, handsome.” Rascal grumbled and followed Meg into the office.
Roam paused again because his client’s body was shaking. “Didn’t know I’d get a show when I scheduled a tattoo, but you all are quite entertaining.”
Roam waited until the shaking stopped and then inked the last little part of his shoulder and wiped the tattoo.
“Okay, let’s have you look at that and then I’ll wrap it. I just charge for the tattoo. The show is free. I could say it’s unusual, but honestly, there’s always something going on.”
Roam finished ringing up the client and discussing where he wanted his next one. Roam loved his repeat clients because they were his bread and butter. He listened to the women oohing and ahhing over his son. He walked over and stood in the office doorway. Sprite still held Matthew, but everyone was crowded around her. He’d imagined Sprite holding a little one that was theirs but hadn’t realized they’d have a little one to love on quite so soon. Their relationship had been a whirlwind, but Roam wouldn’t change a thing. Sprite was everything he wanted in a woman and mom for his kids.
“Roam, is it okay if we take him to the diner? We were going to grab a snack. If you’d rather he stayed here, then we’ll grab our snack and come back,” Meg asked.
“Are you just trying to get him away from me, so you only have to share him with Stella,” Rascal grumbled.
“No, we were going to invite you. You are so suspicious.”
Roam hid a grin. He had no doubt that’s exactly what they had planned until Rascal called them on it.