Page 43 of Roam
Blake scrunched up her nose and stared at Sprite. Sprite looked back at her daughter and thought how much easier it would be if she could read her mind.
“I will. I’ll tell you at bathtime why I was upset. I don’t want to say with little ears.”
Sprite nodded. Little ears is what she’d called Oakley multiple times when she’d given Blake a cookie late at night. She’d explained she didn’t want Oakley hearing because she was too little. Sprite would wait until bath time, but it was killing her not knowing what Blake couldn’t share around Oakley.
“You know, I wanted to take a walk, and I’m done with my supper. It looks like Oakley only has a couple more bites. Why don’t she and I take a short walk,” Clara offered.
Sprite fed the last bite to Oakley, then wiped her mouth. Knowing Clara, she planned on taking Oakley to the clubhouse and would tempt her with some more food there to make sure she was full.
“I think that sounds like a fantastic idea. Is it okay if I stay, Blake?” Regina asked.
Sprite watched her oldest stare at Regina and consider if she wanted her to stay. It would have been such a gift if moms could read their kids’ minds until a certain age. Sprite wouldn’t want to read any teenage boys’ mind around the someone they were attracted to.
“Sure,” Blake said and nodded.
Sprite took a couple more bites as Clara gathered up Oakley, though the food now tasted like sawdust in her mouth. What could be so bad that Blake refused to talk with her?
Clara closed the front door as she left, and the silence was deafening. Regina stood up and uncovered the last container she’d brought.
“I’ve found it’s easier to discuss deep subjects with my women friends if there is also a dessert,” Regina placed an apple crisp in front of Blake, then gathered dessert plates and a spatula. She cut three pieces and put them on plates.
“I have whipped cream or ice cream or both. What would you like?”
Sprite reached for a plate. “It looks delicious. I’ll have mine plain.”
Blake nodded and pulled a plate toward her. “Me too.”
Sprite took a bite and chewed slowly. She really was at a loss about how to start this conversation as Blake had shut her down so many times.
“I’m going to tell you a secret and then it will be your turn, Blake, to tell yours. My secret might hurt someone’s feelings, which is why I’ve kept it a secret.”
Blake nodded while she ate her dessert. Sprite wondered if she was agreeing that her secret would hurt someone’s feelings or if she was agreeing to keep Regina’s.
“I try to like everybody and give them a chance. I meet a lot of different people and usually can find something to like about each of them. Something about Deputy Kerwin bothers me. I’ve never seen him be mean but there’s that little part of me that doesn’t trust him. Maybe I just need to get to know him better or maybe there is something there that I shouldn’t trust. I know it would hurt Beth’s feelings if she knew that, so for now, I’m keeping it a secret. Is your secret like that, honey?”
Regina laid her hand on Blake’s arm, patting it. Blake just stared at Regina for a minute, then set down her fork. She laid her hand on top of Regina’s grasping her fingers.
“I dreamed Daddy was hurt and he was looking for us. We’d moved in with Roam and he couldn’t find us, so he got sicker and sicker until he died. I don’t want my daddy to die but I love Roam and Grant and Casper and Georgia,” Blake sniffled as she finished.
Regina pulled Blake against her and patted her back. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry you dreamed that. Dreams feel so real and can be scary. Even if you moved in with Roam and the kids, your daddy could find you. We all have the clubhouse address. Your daddy would go to the clubhouse, and they’d make sure he found you.” Regina paused, rocking Blake in her arms a little. “I know it’s scary when you haven’t heard from your dad to worry about all the bad things. When Roam, Bear and War served in the military, sometimes I’d worry too. Since I can’t tell you not to worry, how about when you get worried, you come talk to Mama Sprite, Clara or me and we’ll help you feel better?”
Blake nodded and kept her arms wrapped around Regina. Sprite sat there and wondered how she’d lucked out to not only get Roam but also his whole family. Regina was teaching Sprite more than her mother ever had. Sprite considered Clara a mother-figure for her and a grandmother figure for the girls. Now she had Regina too. She was sure Meg would also be that because she’d already informed Sprite that the girls were her grandkids too.
The path that led her to Bluff Creek had been scary, especially after she’d lost her job and been low on food, but she’d found a home for herself and her kids.
She walked around the table and put her arms around Blake and Regina.
“Blake, I know the dream was scary, but you can always tell me.”
Blake pulled back from Regina’s chest. “I know but I didn’t want to make you sad.”
“Aww, Blake. Sadness is a part of life. My job as your mom is to protect you. Your job as my daughter is to let me. Things will make us sad, but we’ll deal with them. I love you, Blake, and you can never do anything to make me love you any less. I always want you to share when you’re scared, mad, upset, or happy.”
Sprite was relieved that Blake had shared. Did it make her a horrible mom that she just wanted to pick them all up and head to Roam’s house to move in? She’d really love to just sleep beside him tonight, but the smart thing would be to give Blake a little time. Time was going to suck, but she’d do what she needed to do. She was worried about her brother too. Maybe she should reach out to one of his friends.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Roam was between clients and was cleaning up his space. Sprite had volunteered to go get them lunch. Matthew was sleeping but would need a bottle in a little bit. Roam’s heart had ached last night when Sprite had texted what had been bothering Blake. He wanted to wrap both of them up and keep them safe.