Page 47 of Roam
He paused.
“I’m so freaking tired from being up late with Matthew and then us moving all the stuff, along with comforting the kids. I don’t want you to be offended but can we please just sleep tonight?”
Sprite turned, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing his chest. “Oh, thank goodness. I’m beat. The stress of how Blake would react, plus getting some of our stuff out of the house, was so much. I know everyone was helping and will help tomorrow but we both have a full day of clients. I would love to just sleep with your arms wrapped around me.”
Roam smiled. Thank goodness they were on the same wavelength. He opened his dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts to sleep in. He turned back toward Sprite and tugged his shirt off over his head.
“Hey, we’re sleeping. Quit being sexy,” Sprite directed.
He chuckled, unbuckling his belt, rolling it and putting it in the drawer. Then unzipping his jeans and shoving them down his legs, remembering at the last minute to toe off his motorcycle boots. He was tired if he was forgetting to take off his shoes first.
“I appreciate your admiration, but let’s crawl in bed and sleep. Who knows how early Matthew will wake us up?”
Sprite ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. He finished sliding his shorts on and put his phone on the charger. He pulled back the comforter and then walked over and turned off the overhead light, leaving his bedside lamp on.
He listened to the toilet flush, then water running. Sprite opened the door and came out.
“I don’t have a preference on which side. Where are you comfortable?”
Sprite walked over and leaned up to rub her fingers across his beard. “Anywhere, so I’ll go to the other side since your phone is charging on this one.”
Instead of walking around, she put a knee on the bed and crawled across with her ass swaying as she did.
“No fair,” he grumbled.
Sprite turned and crawled under the covers, giggling as she waited on him. He sat down on the bed, turned off the light, then laid down and tugged Sprite closer.
“Goodnight, Sprite. I love you.”
She snuggled against his chest, her leg flung over his hip and her hair brushing against his shoulder.
“Love you too, Roam. Night.”
SPRITE WOKE TO A HAND patting her face. She cracked open her eyes and tried to see in the darkened room. When she didn’t say anything right away, a small body crawled on the bed beside her, leaning their face close.
“Matty’s crying. I’s can’t sleep with the racket.”
Despite being tired, Sprite almost laughed out loud. Grant had a way with words.
“Okay. I’ll get him,” she whispered.
She sat up and Grant crawled around her to get under the covers by Roam. He was sleeping deeply. He’d mentioned Matthew had woken him up a couple times last night. She’d slept fine last night so she could take her turn tonight.
She walked out in the hall and could hear Matthew whimpering a little as she walked into his room. She leaned over the crib, lifting him out.
“How’s my little, buddy,” she asked, checking the monitor since she hadn’t heard him cry. It was off. With all the excitement last night, they’d both forgotten to turn it on. Not that she wouldn’t have heard him once he got wound up. Sprite preferred to get him changed and fed before he got too upset.
She finished quickly, then walked out to the kitchen. She looked in the refrigerator and realized they’d forgotten to make any bottles. She reached up to get the formula out of the cabinet. A warm body at her back and an arm getting the formula canister out had her turning.
“I was trying to let you sleep.”
Roam smiled, then grabbed one of the sanitized bottles. “Grant’s a little restless sometimes. I woke up with him starfished in the bed and his foot connecting with my crotch.”
Sprite bit her lip, trying not to smile but knowing her eyes were filled with mirth. She couldn’t imagine that was the way Roam wanted to wake up.
Roam had the bottle heated and stuck in Matthew’s mouth before he could start crying.