Page 50 of Roam
“Nope, I’m not.”
Blake seemed perplexed he agreed with her.
“I’m not your dad. Your dad is a brave man who has chosen to serve his country at great personal sacrifice. He wants to serve, and he wants to be with you. Unfortunately, his job doesn’t allow it. Did you know that Baron became my dad when I was three?”
Blake stared at him and Roam waited. He remembered how scared he’d been to believe that the MC could be his home until Baron placed the puppy dog in his arms. Most people might not think you could remember stuff from that young, but he had a vivid memory of fur in his hands. He’d opened his eyes and known he was safe in a home because he had his own dog.
“Why?” Blake sat down at the island and crossed her arms.
“Mine had died and my mom came for a job. Baron adopted us but even if he hadn’t, I had Baron and then later Rascal as a bonus dad. Your dad is still around but he’s not able to be here. I can’t imagine how sad that makes you. I know I can never take the place of your dad but maybe you have enough love in your heart for me to be your bonus dad. You were so excited last week when Papa Locks and Papa Rascal said you were their grandkid too. I think that your dad will still be your dad but maybe I can be one too?”
Roam held a smile in because he certainly didn’t want Blake to think he was laughing but the calculating look on her face had him wondering what she’d say next.
“Can we go see the puppies this week?”
“Of course, Mama Sprite had already mentioned we needed to do that. Plus, maybe you and I could get to know each other better. How about we go have ice cream later this week at the diner?”
Blake nodded and then hopped down off the chair. “I’m going to find Grant and tell him I’m the older sister now.”
Roam waited until he heard Blake chatting with Grant before he chuckled. Sprite came in and slid her arm around his waist.
“You handled that perfect. Thank you. It was all I could do to not sob the whole phone call.”
Roam wrapped his arms around his woman and held her close. He’d have to figure out how to make Sprite his permanently. It didn’t sound like her brother would be here before six months and maybe not even then. He didn’t want any doubt that Sprite was his and he was hers.
“You and the kids are my happiness. We’ll get through everything together just like I’ve watched my parents do over the years.”
He hoped Sprite knew how serious he was that they belonged together. Not just him and her but the kids too.
SPRITE WALKED BACK from her old house carrying her guitar. It had still been with the boxes in the garage. She hoped the heat hadn’t damaged it. Moving and the time since then had been a whirlwind. She hadn’t had time to think about playing it. She hadn’t realized it wasn’t in the house. Tonight, after the phone call, she needed an outlet.
She’d told Roam she needed to grab something from the house. He’d offered to get it for her, but she’d needed a little time by herself walking around the compound. Roam had done everything right tonight, but she was still unsettled.
Sprite had thought to wait until her brother was home for the wedding she and Roam were heading toward but who knew if Liam would actually be home on leave in six months. If she was positive he would make it, she would love a winter wedding but would he actually get leave? He could have the best intentions and have the situation change and not be allowed leave.
When she’d pictured her wedding growing up, it was with a faceless groom who strongly resembled whatever movie actor she was mooning over at that time. After she’d become a single mom with Oakley, her dream wasn’t the perfect wedding. It was finding someone who not only loved her but Oakley too.
Roam had more than filled that bill. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted. She paused and stared down the lane to the house. Everything about the house screamed that Roam valued kids and family. Did she want to wait to have it all? Although the only thing that would change would be her last name and a ring on her finger. And on Roam’s.
Her phone went off with a text message.
Ellie: Hey, I heard Blake was talking to her dad tonight. How’d it go? BTW- group text, be prepared.
Beth: I can’t imagine how hard it was to see him but have him tell her he wasn’t coming home.
Winnie: Are you okay, Sprite?
Remi: I’m free tomorrow if Blake needs some special time. We could go see the puppies.
Sarah: Hey, I can make time for puppies.
Sprite smiled. The texts were coming so quickly that she didn’t have time to type a response before there was another message from someone.
Sprite: I have some clients tomorrow but have time in the afternoon to take her to the shelter. I’d love whoever wants to go along. I think I’ll take just Blake and leave Oakley and Grant at home. I want her to be able to talk.
Beth: Me.