Page 2 of Chaos Unleashed
“Not the angry I’m worrying about right now,” Reaper mutters.
“Me neither,” Zev agrees, tensing as the massive powerhouse gets even closer.
The giant doors to the hall blast off their hinges, and not only that, but they disintegrate into dust. I finally get a good look at the supernatural behind the massive amount of power as he walks through the gap left by the exploded doors. His black and blood-red wings are arcing above him, and his eyes are blazing, but so are his hands as hellfire dances over his arms like old friends.
“Hello, friend,” Hades greets him sounding far too relaxed for the fucking situation.
“Seriously?” Loki hisses. “That’s how you’re going to greet the most powerful high demon I’ve ever encountered; who's charging at you because we’ve decimated his army?”
“Whoa, Friend? What do you mean, friend?” Zev hisses, completely ignoring what Loki has said as he adds quietly, “I didn’t fucking see this.”
Hades chuckles, clearly finding us freaking out more entertaining than any of us are finding the situation.
When the giant and extremely powerful demon just carries on blazing toward us, Hades sighs,
and I feel his magic grow even more, which I didn’t think was possible before I can question what he's doing, it becomes evident because the freight train of power pauses in his steps.
“Hades?” he questions.
Hades just nods his head, drawing back some of his power which I’m damn grateful for because fucking hell it is intense. I thought he was strong before, but his power level now is literally off the fucking charts.
“It’s been a long time,” Hades replies, emotion in his voice. It’s evident that these two are close, or at least they used to be.
“I’ll fucking say, where the fuck have you been?” the high demon practically demands as he strides toward Hades, and we all take a step back just in case.
I mean, they seem friendly, but if something kicks off, none of us are strong enough to be in the middle of it.
“It’s a long story, and it's one that I suggest we have back at the castle. We have a rather pressing matter that we need to get to. Are you in?” Hades asks him.
The higher demon grins, his smile sharp, “Of course I fucking am. Want to introduce me to the men who fought beside you and decimated mine?”
His immediate agreement instantly tells me just how strong of a friendship they have. This demon didn’t need any more information about what the problem was or what involvement was required from him; he just agreed, and I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that Grey, I mean, Hades, that’s going to take some getting used to. I don’t think that his immediate agreement has anything to do with the fact that Hades is King of the Underworld because of the way he so casually spoke to him.
I do tense slightly at the way he asked that question. I mean, we have just killed his men, and now that he’s mentioned it, he’s reminded me that the whole of the Shadowlands is terrified of him, and from what we have heard, for good reason.
Hades quickly introduces us and then gestures to the higher demon as he says, “And this is Khaos, my righthand demon and leader of my armies.”
It actually hadn’t occurred to me that the freight train of power could be Khaos, and I think the only reason that we managed to convince him that he doesn’t need to smite us on sight is that he recognised Hades' power if it hadn't been for that I'm confident that we would be dead. I think we would’ve been screwed if he couldn’t have released it.
“Well, shit,” Kill mutters, “that explains a lot.”
“Former leader. Nice to meet you all. If Hades calls you friends, then I have no reason to doubt the kind of supernaturals you are,” Khaos starts, his eyes flashing with knowledge as he starts bouncing on his toes.
Like Loki, I get the feeling that he struggles to stay still; however, I think it may be even more extreme than it is with Loki.
“I have a question,” Kill starts, and I know exactly what he will ask. I would stop him since Khaos is extremely powerful, and it wouldn't be wise to piss him off, but I want to know the answer too, and if I’m honest, I’m not getting any bad feelings from Khaos.
“Go ahead?” Khaos asks, curiosity in his eyes.
“You don’t seem bothered that all your followers are dead? Or, more specifically, that we killed them." Kill phrases his words like a question, but it’s not really. It’s more of a statement.
Khaos shrugs, “Because I’m not. By the fucking way, one of those motherfucking pussy arse princes managed to control me?”
Hades clears his throat, “Yes, brother.”
There is caution in his tone that instantly has us tensing again. We all feel it as Khaos’s power starts to grow, and I remember just how formidable Hades said he was. His wings unfurl, showing their impressive wingspan, as his body engulfs in hellfire, colours that I haven’t seen before.