Page 37 of Chaos Unleashed
I know that Hades is the one who pulled me out. He’s the only one who could, especially since I’d put some spells in place to ensure that I couldn’t be prematurely woken. They were strong enough that he’s the only one that could have pulled them apart to get me out.
“Whoa, hold up, mate,” Loki says, and when he sees my expression, which is no doubt in complete panic, he adds, “We had to pull you out. You were kicking off insane amounts of power. Side note: you’re incredibly competent at riding and sleeping. I would’ve fallen off at least six times by now.”
I finally open my eyes, the swaying of my horse beneath me registering in my mind again, and I quickly glance around, showing that we’re still in the woods.
“You nearly burnt yourself out, friend,” Hades adds, concern darkening his features.
“It took a lot to get you out,” Zev surprises me by saying.
The surprise is big enough that it makes me ask, “Wait, you’re the one that pulled me out?”
Zev tilts his head, looking confused, “Yes, it’s something that I’ve always been able to do.”
Storm mutters, and when I look at him adds, “None of us realised that it was in his skill set either. He apparently didn't mention it before because he thought that it was a part of his seer ability.”
“Why do you look so confused?” Hades, or as they call him Grey, asks.
“Because I had spells stopping me from being pulled back, strong ones that only you should’ve been able to break,” I explain.
Hades’ eyes widen with shock. “Seriously?”
I’m done with this conversation though and my gaze moves to Zev, as I demand, “Dude, I need you to send me back.”
“What?” Zev asks.
I sigh, trying to be too patient with him because, quite honestly, I like him, I like them all, but it’s fucking hard. “You were able to break through my spells to pull me out, and you didn’t even realise that you were doing it; that’s not just a dream walker. That’s an insanely fucking strong one; you can send me back. You have to send me back.”
By the end, my panic has hit the extremes again, and all of them are tense.
“We’re going to need a little bit more information. Is this your woman?” Killian asks.
I sigh, but I know that he’s right, “Yes, she was dying, and I have no idea if she succeeded in what she was trying to do or if she died. I have to go back. I have to know if she died.”
Sympathy immediately floods all of their features. All of them know how much I’ve been struggling with these dreams, and they don’t even know the half of it; for some reason, I find myself unable to tell them certain things. I can't even tell them that I’m struggling to tell them things which is irritating as fuck.
Zev steps forward, “I can send you back easily enough, but if she’s real, then there’s no telling whether she will still be there, and you may still not know if she’s alive.”
“He’s right. Sending you back could give you no answers whatsoever, and from what I understand, it’s a lengthy process to send you back and involves spell ingredients that we’d have to go back to Monty’s to pick up, which would delay us getting to Farren and Monty said that we were running out of time.” Hades replies.
Zev is shaking his head before Hades has even finished talking, and immediately replies, “Not for me, I don’t need anything else, I can just send him back.”
“You can?” Mayhem asked, as shocked as I feel.
Zev nods, “Yeah, I’ve pretty much always been able to do it.”
“And you thought that your only gift was being an incredibly powerful seer?” Reaper questions.
Zev rubs a hand on the back of his neck as he glances around at all of us, “Like I said, I just thought it was a part of being a seer, but from your reaction, I’m guessing it's not?”
Hades shakes his head, “No, it’s not.”
Zev’s eyebrows rise, and then he adds, “I guess we can come back to that later. If I’m going to help you, I need to do it now while the dream is still fresh.”
“Please?” I ask, and I see Hades' eyes widen in surprise.
“Settle on your saddle again and close your eyes. When you feel my magic, do not fight it; it should put you under and back in the dream almost immediately.”
I again feel surprise but couldn’t really care less right now, I need to see if she’s okay, she has to be okay.