Page 5 of Chaos Unleashed
“That would be counterproductive,” Khaos points out, and Loki just shrugs. “If I’m being honest, I’m not actually sure that there is an entrance that we can use that won’t be heavily guarded by any of the princes’ followers.”
My heart sinks, “What are we going to do then? Use one of the ones you do know of and just prepare for a fight?”
“I could do with a fight,” Rival grins, his darker side showing and earning him an intrigued look from Khaos.
“Those of you who have a connection with Farren, have you tried to communicate with her? Can you feel any of her emotions?” Mayhem asks.
“I tried,” Loki says, and from the disappointment in his voice, I can already guess what he’s going to say next. “I couldn’t find her at all.”
While Kill says that he can’t sense her either, I check in on my own connection with her, although I’m reasonably sure that if Kill can’t get through to her, I’m not going to be able to either; he’s got a much stronger connection with her than Loki or me, he's had it for far longer.
“Neither can I.” I confirm, “So there's no way for us to know if she’s okay, or help her, or even know exactly where she is.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Zev says firmly. “We need to try to work out how we’re going to get into the Underworld first.”
“Just a suggestion, but why don’t we ask Xerxes? He knows things that he shouldn’t, and he’s ancient; maybe he knows a forgotten way that we can get in?” Rival suggests.
“That’s probably a better idea,” Hades agrees. "It's my realm, but it has been for such a long time that I doubt that I remember all of the entrances."
“Let’s go then,” Loki says, looking at us all expectantly.
We all quickly make our way to the library. Poca, and I’m going to carry on calling him that because one name change is enough for me, runs ahead of us. He’s gone back to his one-headed, power-concealing self, but he’s a lot bigger than he usually is and still visible. He’s clearly filled Meri in on what happened because he’s sitting on Poca’s back and looking ready to kill. I think we should all just be grateful that he’s still mini and hasn’t grown in his worry for Farren. It’s evident in both Meri and Poca's body language that they are incredibly worried about Farren.
I find it interesting that although Khaos has given Meri a few curious looks, he hasn’t asked any questions about him. Although to be fair, he’s had quite a lot thrown at him, and I imagine any questions that he has about Meri are pretty far down his list.
“If Poca is really Cerberus, then how did he appear to Farren as a puppy?” I can’t help but ask. Poca glances back at me and rolls his eyes like I’ve asked a stupid question, although I don’t see why.
“He can appear however he wants to; he obviously decided that Farren needed him as a puppy and not his three-headed self. He is also allowed to come and go as he pleases. I was outed from the Underworld decades ago, and when I left, Post was still at the gates as far as I was aware. The only person who's really going to know what happened and why he went to Farren is Cerb himself, and I doubt he'll share. Cerberus is incredibly powerful, and no one should be able to touch him; not only that, but he’s ancient, older than even I am,” Hades explains, “if he doesn't want to tell us where he’s been or why he's done something then that's the end of that.”
“Wow, do you think Farren realises?” Loki asks.
Hades shakes his head, “I don’t think so, I didn’t recognise him, and he’s been my friend for a long time.”
“I recognised him, but if what Hades is saying is true then I most likely recognised him because he was pissed as fuck that one of the princes had managed to take Farren, and so his glamour slipped,” Khaos suggests.
Poca barks in agreement and seems to confirm what Khaos is saying.
“I guess that means you’re right,” Rival replies.
“Hold up, you said no one should be able to touch him,” Khaos suddenly says, “does that mean that she can?”
Hades nods, “Yes, she cuddles with him. I don’t know how, but we can all touch him as well, and I don’t think that it's because we could have the whole time that we’ve known Cerb or because he’s weaker here.”
Zev’s eyes flash white, and he smiles, “It’s because of her and our connection to her. If we weren’t connected to her, we wouldn’t be able to touch him.”
Khaos’s eyes widen, “That’s incredible.”
“She is, mate; you don’t know the half of it,” Hades tells him.
We all fall silent as our minds turn to the incredible woman that could be experiencing fuck knows what right now.
Something else occurs to me and prompts me to ask, “How exactly are we going to get in? I don't mean, what gate are we going to go through? We can ask Xerxes this: I mean, how are we, who aren't Underworld natives or dead, going to get through? We’re trying to stop the princes from opening the gates. I assume they’re talking about the main gates, although you obviously know of other ways you can get in. From what I understand, only certain beings can come and go as they please.”
“You will be able to get in and out because you’re with me,” Hades replies simply as we finally get to the library.
“Can the princes get in and out as easily as you can?” Mayhem asks curiously.
“Not as easily, no. It will take a toll on their bodies and, most importantly, their magic, but they can get in and out; they will just need to rest and recharge their magic.” Khaos adds.