Page 56 of Chaos Unleashed
His hands come up to cup her face and her lips tilt into a smile, as his forehead comes to rest against hers.
“Ren,” he says simply.
“Er,” Loki’s voice interrupts the moment, “I hate to be that guy but what the fuck is happening right now?”
“She’s the woman from his dreams,” Zev says, his eyes flashing white with a vision.
“Holy shit, no way?” Kill replies, his voice shocked.
Glancing at Zev, I share an amused look with him as I say, “Dude, you called it back at the castle.”
“What?” Farren asks as she moves away.
None of us miss the way that Khaos’s eyes stayed glued to her and her every movement.
“Zev said that everyone gets enchanted by you,” I tell her.
She grins, “What can I say? I’m fucking fantastic.”
“I’m just going to put a light up; this half-darkness thing isn’t really for me,” Storm says.
As soon as the cabin is fully lit and not just in moonlit shadows, I get my first good look at Farren; I have to swallow the knot of emotion that tries to rise at the sight. She is completely covered in blood, from head to toe it's staining everything that she’s wearing. It’s splattered over her face and dried into her hair, and from the sheer amount of it, I know that she’s been put through the worst things imaginable.
She notices us all staring, it’s not like we’re not being obvious, each and every one of us has the same look of shock and anger on our faces.
She glances down and then grimaces, then in typical Farren fashion she says, “Don’t worry not all of it is mine, well most of it is actually, but not all of it.”
“That doesn’t make it any better, Ren,” Khaos says through gritted teeth. “You’re still in pain.”
“Your magic is fixing it for real now though,” she replies with a smile.
“Wait, your magic is fixing her?” Grey asks, sounding shocked. “It’s enjoying the pain?”
I’d be concerned about his words, but by this point, we all know that Khaos’s gift is pain and that he loves it. It’s what his magic needs in order to replenish itself, kind of like a vampire needs blood.
Khaos shakes his head, “No, it hates it. It’s healing her.”
“Wow,” Grey replies, and I’m sensing that there’s something more shocking in that than I realise.
“Alright, we have a lot to talk about, but right now, Farren, when did you last eat Love?” Loki asks her gently.
She frowns, “I don’t remember.”
His eyes darken at her words but he manages to clear his expression quickly enough that he replies with a smile, “Then it’s a good thing that we hunted on the way here. Let’s get the fire lit and some warmth in here, and then we can talk about whatever we need to. Sound good?”
She nods, “That sounds pretty amazing. Do you guys have any spare clothes with you?”
“Actually, we have yours,” Rival smiles as he holds up the bag that we packed for her. He’s been guarding it with his life.
Her eyes light up with happiness, “You guys are awesome, I’m not going to be able to get clean here but at least I won't be crusty.”
I clear my throat, “I can easily summon you enough water to shower in, if you want me to.”
“And I can summon some cleaning products too?” Grey offers.
“Kill, and I can cloak the corner of the room in shadows so that you can shower in privacy.” Storm offers and Kill nods in agreement.
“I can make sure that the water that my twin summons is warm enough,” Rival grins.