Page 71 of Chaos Unleashed
“I’m willing to bet it’s the second one,” Kill replies.
“What do we do?” a Hellier asks.
“Stay down and hope for the best?” Loki suggests, in all honesty, he looks far too calm in this situation, but then I don’t think I’ve seen him freak out in any situation.
I think he’s just too laid back for that.
Before anyone can answer what they think we should do, and by anyone, I mean Khaos because, let’s face it, none of the rest of us have any idea; shit hits the fan.
Magic suddenly shoots out from Hades, the ball heading straight for where we’re all sitting on the floor. Without thinking, I jump up directly in the path of the powerful god magic, I’ve caught magic before, sure, but this is fucking god magic and is so much more powerful than any other magic that I've come across.
I’m strangely calm as the magic hurtles toward me; I can hear the guys yelling for me to move in the background. I ignore it all and focus on my own magic. I bring it all forward, finding more magic than I should but not bothering to question it. Just before the magic hits Hades' eyes open, they lock on me and instantly fill with panic, but it’s too late for him to do anything but watch in horror.
I wait for the magic to explode into me, but it doesn’t; just before it hits, it slows and instead wraps around me. It zips and zigs around my arms and legs, tickling my chin and making me giggle; shockingly enough, my giggle makes it pause, and it does it again, seeing if it can make me laugh again. When it does, I feel it hum happily and then watch in shock as it sinks into my skin; my magic welcomes it as an amazing amount of power rushes through me. I feel something within my magic snap open, something that I wasn’t even aware was closed.
As quickly as it happened it settles, although I feel stronger and different, and I can still sense Hades’ magic happily mixed with mine.
“What the hell was that, Farren? It could’ve killed you!” Killian shouts as soon as he knows I’m safe.
“I knew it wouldn’t,” I reply.
“Did you?” Mayhem asks, his eyebrow raised.
I glance away, “I had a pretty good inkling that it wouldn’t.”
All of my guys groan, even Khaos, but Loki is the one to say, “Farren, Love, please don’t risk your life on an inkling. We only just got you back.”
The raw emotion on his face stops my snarky reply in its tracks, and instead, I say, “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” I then turn to look at Hades, “What the fuck just happened? Why can I feel your magic with mine?”
Khaos’s eyes go wide, “She absorbed your magic?”
Hades swallows thickly, his eyes never leaving mine, “I thought it was impossible, but I was obviously wrong.”
“You thought what was impossible?” Rival asks.
“Oh shit,” Zev suddenly interrupts, and I glance at him just in time to see his eyes turn back to normal. “Oh, that is not a conversation that we should have now.”
Hades nods, “No, it’s not.”
He glances at the three Hellier’s who are still on the floor but watching this exchange with interest. Walking over to each of them, he touches them on the head, and they all pass out, at least I hope they’ve passed out.
“Why did you do that?” Storm asks, more curious than concerned.
“Because what they just witnessed Farren do is incredibly rare and information that, if in the wrong hands, is incredibly dangerous. I have taken the memory from them and knocked them out, they will come around in a moment, and just think that my power went a little bit awry and knocked them out. I’m going to need all of you to pretend that you got knocked out, too.” Hades explains.
“You’ll explain what happened to me when you can?” I ask Hades.
He moves forward and grips my hands, “It is not a bad thing. You are not in danger, and I promise that I will tell you as soon as it’s safe to do so; there are ears everywhere here.”
“If it helps, I will keep looking for safe moments for you to tell her. There isn’t one currently,” Zev adds with a frown.
“Okay, I trust you,” I reply, making a beautiful smile appear on his face. He kisses my forehead gently.
“I don’t think you’ll ever stop surprising me,” Khaos says as I step back, “you are so much more than you appear.”
Before I can reply, although I’m not really sure how I would reply to that, the Helliers start to groan, and like some sort of comedic skit, everyone apart from Hades falls to the floor and then starts groaning and holding their head as they slowly sit up along with the Helliers.
“What happened?” the woman asks.