Page 11 of My Salvation
Aiden picked up his phone and held it out to Meryn. “Why is it doing that?”
Meryn looked down at hers, and her eyes widened. “No fucking way!”
She began to tap furiously, then jumped out of Aiden’s lap. “How? When?”
Aiden stood to hover near his now pacing mate. “Baby?”
She held up a finger. “Hold, please.” She tapped her phone and brought it up to her ear. “Cam, what the fuck, dude?” She looked around, then put it on speaker.
“Whatever you’re getting from the app, it’s true. I got squads arriving from Norfolk, Langley, Gods Meryn. They’re coming in from everywhere!”
“Are they...okay?”
“We’re verifying now, but so far, so good. Your missing Vanguard were deployed overseas, Menace, but they’re home now.”
Meryn began to jump up and down. “Hell yeah!”
Aiden took her by the shoulders. “Baby, does this mean what I think it means?”
Meryn waved her phone around. “Twenty squads of Vanguard are home. Over one-hundred warriors are getting verified!”
“Cam! Report!” Aiden barked, hope a living thing in his expression.
“Sir, it’s just like what I told Menace. What each squad is telling me is that when their fae brothers were recalled to Éire Danu, they knew something was wrong. They all went AWOL.” Cam laughed. “US Military will be pissed, but give it fifty or sixty years, and they’ll re-enlist.”
“Where are they now?”
“On my fucking front lawn.” Then in a softer voice. “They’re not feral, sir, none of them so far.”
Aiden reached around for his chair and collapsed into it. “Thank the gods.”
“I’ll text you when they’re leaving for Éire Danu.”
“Roger that,” Aiden replied, then Cam disconnected.
Meryn brought her phone up and began scrolling. “There’s so many of them! They were all military? Yum.”
“Meryn!” Aiden barked.
She smiled at him and continued scrolling. “Hey babe, if they’re all coming here, where will they stay?” she asked, her eyes still glued to her phone.
Aiden looked to Ari, who looked to Brennus, who looked to the Queen.
She tapped the crystal next to her chair, and a few moments later, Portia entered. “Yes, Your Majesty?”
The Queen smiled. “Where can we house one-hundred Vanguard warriors?”
Portia stared. “I’m sorry, what?”
“We’re getting reinforcements, but they need a place to stay.”
“Your Majesty, if you could give me a few moments, I will check with Molvan.” She bowed, then shut the door behind her.
Ari exhaled. “We’d love to have them at the warrior villa, but we don’t have the room.”
The dings kept echoing from Meryn’s phone, but each one meant another warrior was safe; everyone around the table was smiling.
A few minutes later, the door swung open, and Molvan practically skidded into the room. “What? What about one-hundred Vanguard?” he asked, eyes wide.