Page 15 of My Salvation
Cassandra nodded. “We haven’t been formally introduced…”
“Priest, I’m Priest Vi’Aerdan,” he said, grinning ruefully. “Not the best introduction, is it?”
She nodded, then tilted her head. “You’re a shifter but have a fae Founding Family name?”
“I was adopted.”
Reston rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure who wins.”
Coop was wheezing with laughter.
“What’s this?” Cassandra asked.
Reston pointed to his fae squad brother. “Ilian and I had a running bet whether you’d end up with a fae or a shifter. He’s kinda both.”
Ilian rubbed his chin. “I would say he counts as fae, especially as he carries the name as Head of House.”
Reston pointed. “He is literally a shifter,” he sniffed the air. “A bird of some kind,” he paused, then turned to Cassandra, eyes wide. “Sorry, hun.”
Priest looked down at his mate, who was grimacing. “Sorry?”
She twisted her hands in front of her. “I’m not a huge fan of birds.”
Meryn bopped her head about. “I don’t mind them when they’re outside, and I’m inside, but if truth be told, I don’t like anything that can dive bomb my head, bugs included.” She shuttered. “Especially bugs.”
Cassandra pointed to Meryn excitedly. “Yes, that, that exactly.”
“If it makes you feel better, I’m a terrible shifter,” he admitted.
She ran a hand up and down his arm as if sensing his personal disappointment. “We can talk about it later.”
He shook his head and smiled at her concern.
Just feeling her hand on his arm had him nearly floating. Fingers snapped in his face. “Did you hear what I asked?” Reston said, smiling indulgently.
“Yeah, didn’t think so. Did you want to come with us to see what state the Illiya house is in?”
“House?” Why did he feel stuck on stupid? His mate must think him a simpleton.
Casandra nodded. “I have opened up my house for the Vanguard to stay, mostly because it’s empty. I’m the last of my line.”
“Molvan is gonna love you,” Meryn said.
Cassandra exchanged looks with Reston. “Who’s Molvan?”
“Public Works dude for the Queen. He almost cried when he heard he may have to find a place to stash all these guys,” Meryn pointed to the milling Vanguard.
Aiden turned to the large group. “Men, listen up!”
As one, the men turned and came to attention.
Aiden continued. “Gather your things. We’re heading to House Illiya. After that everyone is to meet at Dav’s bar for a welcome party of sorts. Orders will be given out there.”
One of the fae warriors stepped forward. “I’d like to check on my family, sir.”
Aiden nodded. “I was going to show you on the way to the city.” His expression turned somber as he stepped back and pointed toward the city center. “We have a board up with lists of the missing and confirmed dead.”