Page 18 of My Salvation
Now she knew she was doing the right thing. These men had hard times in front of them. If she could make it even a bit easier by providing them with a place to stay, she would.
She shook her head at the men’s kindness. “My mother would have agreed with me. She always loved parties and large groups of people. I cannot think of a better way to honor her memory than to re-open House Illiya.” She made a face. “Though I may expect you gentlemen to help with some repairs. I know nothing about handy work.”
“We said it back in Monroe, but you don’t have to worry about a thing. We’ll take care of it,” a warrior to her left offered.
“And whatever they don’t get to, myself and my unit brothers will assist with,” Priest volunteered.
She blinked, then looked down to watch her feet as they walked.
“Weird, huh?” Meryn asked.
She looked up to see the small woman watching her from her mate’s arms.
“Going from being alone to having tons of people around you. I still don’t know how to ask for help. It gets easier, though, if you just let them do what they want.”
Cas nearly stumbled as what Meryn said really hit home. She was mated, and her self-appointed brothers would be home all the time now. Plus, she didn’t think the other Vanguard would let her struggle, much less Priest’s unit brothers. “Oh.”
Meryn nodded. “Yeah, if I didn’t have Ryuu, I’d have to start shit like Christmas cards in June to keep track of everything.”
Cas laughed. “We had a squire growing up. I missed him as much as my parents when I left. I was so very thankful they had him in the end.”
“I’d probably starve and forget my underwear without Ryuu,” Meryn admitted.
Around them, the men cracked up.
Aiden sighed. “Baby, I am more than capable of feeding you.”
Meryn narrowed her eyes at her mate. “You wouldn’t remind me about my underwear?”
Aiden smiled but remained silent.
Meryn gasped. “Aiden!”
Now, the men were laughing.
Cas watched as a wave of pink cascaded away from them, with Meryn at the epicenter. “You are a delight Meryn.”
Meryn looked over at her from where she was flicking Aiden’s ear repeatedly while the man laughed. “Thanks.”
As they approached her childhood home, she noticed how the other Noble Families had maintained the surrounding houses in such a lovely way. She was cringing, thinking her house would have something akin to an HOA warning plastered to the door.
When they stopped in front of House Illiya, she could only stare. It looked exactly as she remembered it. Nothing looked worn or falling apart. Her mother’s flowers looked to be thriving thanks to small heated stones lining the underbrush.
“How?” she whispered.
The door opened, and a lithe, elegantly dressed man stepped forward. Placing a hand over his heart, he bowed. “Welcome home, My Lady.”
Tears ran unchecked as she body-checked Luca out of the way. “Eion! Gods! You’re here!” She threw herself heedlessly at the man, knowing he would catch her.
“Oh dear,” the man whispered softly. How many times had she heard that phrase growing up?
Behind her, she heard an intake of breath, then Priest asking. “You’re her family’s squire, aren’t you? You helped raise her.”
Wordlessly she nodded, rubbing her cheek on Eion’s robes.
“Oh, that’s beautiful!” Meryn sniffled and wiped at her eyes. Ryuu, smiling himself, passed her a handkerchief.