Page 25 of My Salvation
His mother looked around the kitchen. “I did make a bit of a mess.”
Merrick’s expression softened. “Your wonderfully big heart tends to outpace everything else,” he said, diplomatically.
“Yes, like logic and common sense,” his father added.
She threw her hands in the air. “Fine! I want to get to know my new daughter now anyway.”
His father sighed in relief and picked up a cloth to help restore the kitchen to order.
Priest thought he was safe until his mother rounded on them and looked from him to Cas and back. “So, when are the two of you planning on having children?”
Cas just burst out laughing as he stared. “Mother! We just met this morning!”
“And? That does not change the fact I need grandchildren.”
Cas wiped at her eyes. “You’re like the third person telling me to get pregnant today.”
His mother blinked. “Who were the other two?”
“Eion of course and my Spirit Guardian, Coll.”
Priest felt his heart leap into his throat. “Shit!”
“Meredith Vi’Aerdan, language!” she admonished, despite having just called the entire population of Éire Danu’s eagles assholes.
His mate turned to him. “Meredith?”
He stood, easily keeping her in his arms. When her pupils dilated at his show of strength, he nearly tripped. “My real name,” he said, staring down into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Meryn had been right when she likened his mate to a fairy. He tightened his arms, afraid she’d disappear when he wasn’t looking.
“What had you cussing?” his mother asked, a smug expression on her face. Her eyes kept going from him to Cas and back.
“Shit!” he repeated, shaking his head, remembering again that he had a sapling under his shirt.
“Meredith!” his mother chided.
“The sapling?” his mate guessed, as he set her on her feet.
“Mother, I need to see Liaylia.”
His mother simply blinked. “Why darling?”
“My Spirit Guardian Coll has gifted him a sapling to intertwine with Liaylia’s branches if she’s willing,” Cas explained.
“Son, what are doing still standing there!?” His mother pushed him toward the back door where their garden was located.
He kept his hand in Cas’, and they both hurried outside. Like House Illiya’s tree, the Aerdan hawthorn was encircled by warming stones. “Liaylia, I’m home. I have someone I want you to meet,” he called in quiet tones. Unlike the rambunctious Coll, the spirit of his family’s tree was on the timid side.
“Priest?” a soft voice called out. From the center of the tree a fragile looking woman floated toward them. “You have found a mate,” she said smiling.
“I have Lia, this is Cassandra Vi’Illiya.” He squeezed Cas’ hand. “We just met this morning, but I cannot imagine a future without her.”
Liaylia’s mouth formed an ‘o’. “Coll must be so happy! We have finally grown our families,” she said, wiping at her eyes. Behind her the tree seemed to pulse, swaying in the breeze.
“He sent this,” he said, unsure how Coll’s suggestion would be received. He gently pulled the sapling from where it had been resting against his heart. “Coll said you, and he could watch over both houses.”
Liaylia hurried forward and gently took the sapling from him, cradling it like a newborn. “I wouldn’t be alone,” she said, smiling to herself. She turned and walked over to her tree. Kneeling down, the ground opened up magically, and she placed the delicate sapling’s roots in the ground. “Priest, can you move that stone closer to him?”
Priest looked around and picked up the warming stone closest to them. “Here?” he asked, setting it down appropriately six inches from the sapling.