Page 67 of My Salvation
Chuckling to herself, she led them into the building. She concentrated on the floor and tried not to look around much. The idea her people were dead on slabs here made her ill.
“And I wore slacks today, so it’s totally visible,” Priest complained.
She looked up and saw he wasn’t worried about his pants in the slightest. He was trying to make her smile. “I love you,” she admitted. It felt so right that the ease of saying the words no longer bothered her.
He blinked. “Huh?”
“Actually, this is where you’re supposed to say, ‘I love you too’.”
“I do! Gods, I wish I could get some time alone with you. I feel like saying the words aren’t enough.” he admitted.
Behind them someone cleared their throat. When they turned the fae warrior frowned. “Honestly Priest, there’s a time and place for that sort of thing,” he said, pointing to Priest’s crotch.
“Balder, I swear, it’s not what you think.”
“I’m sure. Head on in, everyone else has gone through.”
“Balder…” Priest said, walking past the warrior on his way to the portal.
When Cas looked up the warrior gave her a slow wink.
Unable to help herself she burst out laughing.
“Gods! Cas, you can’t do that, umm Balder, she’s just nervous to be here,” he stammered.
Still laughing she pulled him through to the other side.
Priest looked mortified. “Balder is going to hate me.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” she said, wiping her eyes.
They walked through what looked to be an empty warehouse toward a large white box in the middle of the floor.
Kincaid looked at Kendrick forlornly.
Kendrick shook his head. “This is all you, witchling.”
“You got this Kincaid!” Meryn said encouragingly.
“We beleeeb in you!” the twins echoed.
Kincaid exhaled. “Right, just like the warming stones. I just have to let it know what I want.”
Kendrick blinked. “I thought we told you two not to do unstructured spells?”
Kincaid pointed. “You have a better idea?”
Kendrick shook his head. “I don’t actually.”
Kincaid closed his eyes and placed his hand on the wall facing them. Taking a deep breath Cas heard him whisper. “Release.”
Seconds later, the wall crumbled, and the foulest stench she had ever smelt assaulted them all.
Meryn simply leaned over and puked onto the concrete. Thane and the twins were there as Ryuu held her gently.
Aiden seeing his mate was taken care of, grit his teeth and stepped inside where a single feral was hissing at them from the corner. He turned back to Kincaid. “I thought you said you trapped two?”
Kincaid was swallowing repeatedly. “I did,” he answered, weakly.