Page 69 of My Salvation
A light amethyst covered his aura, her color for a lie. It flickered. A possible half-lie.
She stepped back. Priest reached behind him, to take her hand.
“Raul, you have betrayed your people, and you will be facing our gods in the next few minutes. If what you tell us helps save others it may make a difference that will help you in the hereafter. Where can we find them?” Aiden asked, his eyes stony.
Raul looked back down. “The gods abandoned us centuries ago. You have no idea what has been done.”
Cas saw a flare of light purple light erupt around the man’s heart again.
“Where can we find the missing people?” Kendrick demanded again.
“Starfire network, user, rbircham, password… well, I’ll let you figure that out,” he said before launching himself right at Meryn, teeth aimed for her throat.
In one smooth swing, Aiden brought his hand down, crushing the man’s skull and driving him into the white porcelain floor, blood splattering around the flattened skull.
Seeing the threat eliminated, Ryuu removed the blue glow from around Meryn’s body.
Meryn looked up at her mate. “I need my laptop!”
“I know, I know. You need to tap tap on your magic frisbee. Hold on, baby.” He looked to Cas. “Was he lying?”
She nodded. “He lied twice, or he spoke in such a way he believed he was lying twice.” She felt tears gather. “The first was a half-lie. It was when he said they make you kill your family first. I believe they are still alive, he either feared we’d use them against him or he feared them learning what he had become. The color flickered when he said it. I think the process of killing families first was true, but he hadn’t, which made it a half-lie. The second lie was when he said the gods abandoned us. He didn’t truly believe those words.” She looked at Aiden. “He was not lying when he said we have no idea what has been done.” She looked to Meryn. “And he wasn’t lying about the network information.”
Meryn had Aiden’s hand and was pulling for all she was worth, unable to move her mate a smidge. “Ai-den!”
Aiden lifted his mate into his arms. “Come on boys,” he said to Nigel, Neil and Pip. Together with Pierce and Ryuu in tow they headed toward the portal.
Kendrick laid a hand on Kincaid’s shoulder. “Damn fine work you did. If Meryn can get even a single address from the network information, you could have saved hundreds.”
Kincaid flushed. “I wish I could have figured out how to open it sooner.”
Thane shook his head. “You can’t think like that. This thing had both Kendrick and I stumped, and we’ve been around a lot longer than you, Bayberry.”
Priest turned to Kendrick. “Can you let Ari know I’m taking Cas out for a bit?”
Kendrick nodded slowly. “Take every precaution.”
“I will, sir. I would never risk my mate. It will be a very quick trip, then right back to Éire Danu.”
Cas turned to her mate. “We’re leaving Éire Danu?”
He nodded. “For what I want to show you, yes.”
Cas began to feel a bit nervous and a bit excited.
“Gentlemen,” Priest said, dipping his head. With her hand in his he led her back toward the portal where Balder waited for them.
The fae looked pleased. “Good work in there.”
Priest puffed out his chest. “Kincaid could be the key to cracking this thing wide open.”
Balder looked just as proud. “I’ll make sure he gets extra desserts tonight.”
Priest pointed to the portal. “Can you open it to my happy place?”
Balder’s eyes darted to Cas, then he raised a brow. “You sure?”
Priest nodded. “I’m sure. They have a very special guest right now.”