Page 79 of My Salvation
“Can we join too?” Aurora asked.
Iris twisted her hands in front of her. “I can’t fight, though.”
Gaius stalked over. He looked at Helios. “No.” He then looked down at his daughters. “Hell no.”
Aurora placed her hands on her hips. “Times are changing. Priest serves, why can’t we?”
“Umm yeah,” Iris added.
Ari was rubbing his forehead worriedly as Brie laughed at his side.
“If the Elder’s sons can serve, does that mean we can?” a male voice asked in the crowd.
“Adriano, you have no idea what is happening in the city,” Gaius started.
The blond man stepped forward toward them. “Yes, we do, Elder. The younger generation visits the city more than you think. We know that ferals have found a way into Éire Danu, and we want to help. We don’t want to be stuck up in these trees forever.”
Vesta covered her mouth with her hand. “This is what the elder generation truly feared when they sided with tradition, Priest. Change.”
Gaius threw his hands in the air. “So, I’m supposed to let all you children go fight ferals?”
“Yes!” Aurora shouted.
“No!” he shouted back. “That was a rhetorical question.”
The woman crossed her arms over her chest. “My wings work just fine, Father.”
Priest stepped beside Gaius and faced the crowd. “Your Elder is right. What we are facing right now is different than anything the units have ever fought before. It would be suicide to face them without training.”
Gaius harrumphed, sounding vindicated.
Priest grinned wickedly. “That being said, it was my own mate who recently reminded the Queen that Éire Danu belongs to all of its inhabitants. I’m sure there are things that the Eagles of the city can do.”
Adriano walked forward, hand thrust out. “Adriano Aetos. I happen to be your brother’s best friend. It’s an honor to meet an eagle who serves in the highest-ranked unit of the city.”
Gaius regarded Priest with surprise. “Highest ranked?”
Ari slung his arm around Priest. “We are the Tau Unit. We answer directly to the Queen’s Consort, Brennus Ri’Eirlea.”
Gaius smiled softly.
Priest turned to Gaius. “We’d like to take care of what we came here to do if that’s possible?”
Helios frowned. “Why did you come all the way up here?”
Priest pointed to Cas. “We need a nest.”
Aurora and Iris squealed. “A baby!” They enveloped her with their enthusiasm the same way they had their brother.
Helios grinned. “What wonderful news? It’s been years since the last eagle has been born.”
Cas laughing, stepped back. “Not yet. But we didn’t want to wait until the last minute.”
Helios stared at his mother, then blinked, then began to laugh. “For a distant cousin, my ass!”
Vesta blushed.
Iris and Aurora gasped, looking at their mother, then began laughing as well.