Page 89 of My Salvation
Aiden stared, then pointed at his small mate. “That must be the demon’s influence.”
Ari wasn’t the only one who openly laughed.
Pip looked at Aiden, tilting his head, confusion on his face. “She threatens you all the time.”
Aiden stared down into Pip’s earnest face. “I know, it’s just…”
Meryn set the stick down. “Aiden, did you hear me say anything like, ‘Oi! Hot demon, come high jack my brain when I have lines of code to unravel!’?”
“No,” Aiden grumbled.
“Exactly. I didn’t instigate this little interlude, so get off my nuts!”
Aiden collapsed in the chair beside her. “Nothing can happen to you. I would cease to exist.”
“Right back at ya, stud. Now, get me some coffee because your nightly blow jobs just got put on hold while I work on cracking this network.”
A flush worked up the back of Aiden’s neck. “Whatever you say, baby.”
Izzy cackled. “Yeah, she’s fine.”
Brie leaned in. “Is their system that good? I didn’t think anything could stump you.”
Meryn gagged dramatically. “It’s that bad. It’s disgustingly functional for what it is, which means nothing is where and what it should be. It’s a fucking nightmare.”
Kincaid sat back, looking worried. “I hope we get something from it.”
Meryn snorted. “Dude, even if we get nothing, seeing a feral so strung out from being locked up and eating his friend made all the effort worth it.”
The young witch brightened. “There is that, I guess.”
The queen paled. “He what?”
Meryn looked up eyes bright. She brought her hands up and mimicked eating corn on the cob. “He was like nom nom nom on the other guy's femur. Had teeth marks and everything between the rotting meaty bits.” She paused. “Do ferals poop? Maybe some of the smell was him shitting digested rotten flesh.”
Ari dry heaved.
The queen became still. “That sounds…unpleasant.”
Brie wiped her eyes as she continued to laugh at her mate’s plight.
Amelia kept a napkin to her mouth. Behind the napkin, her eyes were smiling. “I’ll take her as she is, no matter what.”
Meryn blew a big kiss at her cousin. “Right back ‘atcha.” She sighed. “I might have an update by breakfast tomorrow.”
Cord bowed. “I heard of your trip earlier today. Should we remove eggs from the menu?” he asked, eyes twinkling.
Meryn looked back at her. “Are you for reals gonna lay an egg? And if so, can I watch?”
She shook her head. “It was uncertain for a while though, I was about to get celibate real fast, then Coll, my Spirit Guardian said I’d have a human baby since I’m fae.”
Meryn became thoughtful. “Are there shifter chickens?” she asked out of the blue.
Aiden shook his head and leaned forward letting his forehead rest on the table.
“What? It’s a valid question. If there are eagles, there might be chickens,” Meryn protested.
The queen chuckled as she shook her head. “I do not believe so, Meryn.”