Page 92 of My Salvation
He could only stare. Her pale skin was tinted slightly with golden undertones. Her back was covered by the cascade of her long blonde hair that always made him think of dessert. The sweet smell of honeysuckle teased him when she walked to the sink.
Now that her shirt was removed, he saw that she wore a simple, white lace bra with a tiny pink bow in the middle. The mounds of her breasts filled the satiny cups, and he didn't think he had ever seen anything so beautiful in his life.
Turning, she gave him a heated look. Then ran her thumb between her breasts before popping it in her mouth to suck on. "More juices," she explained.
At this point, his mate was laughing and watching him closely. "My poor mate. How are your three functioning brain cells?"
"They shut down when you began moaning," he admitted freely.
"I was going to tease and seduce you, but dammit, you're too adorable like this." She held her hand out to him. "Priest, will you take me upstairs and make love to me?"
Priest stood so fast that he knocked the chair over. He ignored her hand and simply scooped her up.
"Go through the dining room to get to the stairs, and we won't have to parade in front of Eion," she said, pointing to the far door.
Practically sprinting, the stairs flew under his feet until they were at their bedroom. She leaned down and opened the door. Walking in, he kicked the door shut behind him. He went to the bed and sat her down gently. Seeing her sitting there in her bra and slacks, looking up at him, her hair spread across the covers and her cheeks tinted pink, he knew this one moment would be forever etched in his heart and mind.
Going to his knees, he reached for her shoes and removed them one at a time. He slid her socks off and reached for her pants. Winking, she unbuttoned them and shimmied out of them until she was only wearing her bra and panties.
Not wanting to waste a single moment, he began removing his clothes. When he got to his pants, the zipper ran over the side fabric and chewed it into the small metal teeth.
Frowning, he tugged, then tugged again. It wasn't moving.
"Priest, are you joining me?" she asked, laughter in her voice.
"Yes, give me just a second."
He repeatedly pulled on the zipper, begging every god he knew of to help him.
On the bed, his beautiful mate was rolling around and giggling at his plight.
He stopped his attempts at getting the damned zipper to work and simply watched her. "You’re almost too beautiful to look at,” he said, taking in the long expanse of skin that was now exposed to him.
“So are you. When your clothes let me look at you,” she teased.
Priest looked around, and when he confirmed his travel bag was in the corner, he simply ripped the fabric away from his body.
On the bed, his mate inhaled, and the laughter ceased. She was now watching him with hungry eyes. Heedless of tomorrow’s clothing situation, he recklessly removed his bothersome attire and, finally naked, stalked toward his mate.
When she reached for his cock, he shook his head. “My turn.”
She quickly removed her bra and panties and sat back on her elbows. “I’m all yours.”
He climbed onto the bed and simply pulled her into his arms. He couldn’t hold back his moans as their heated skin met. He intertwined them, wanting as much contact as he could manage.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he could feel how wet she was as she bathed his abdomen.
He reached down between them and parted her folds, looking for that special little nub that would have her screaming. When he found it, he circled it lazily, and her breathing increased. It wasn’t until he ignored the very top and massaged either side that she began to writhe under him.
“Priest! Not like this, please,” she begged. “I want you in me.”
Leaning back, he looked into her face. She was completely flushed with passion, and her eyes half-lidded. “I love you, Cassandra Vi’Illiya. I think I loved you before I even met you. I will love you for the rest of our existence, and when the time comes for us to pass from this world, I will love you in the hereafter.”
She reached up with a trembling hand to trace his brow. “I love you, Priest. You bring a lightness to my heart and life I didn’t know I needed. I crave your laughter and your smiles. Bind us together, my love, so that we’ll never have to be apart again,” she pleaded.