Page 13 of My Eternal Light
“You were looking at me funny.”
“I was not…you’re not even here!”
This time both girls giggled.
“Are those kiddos I hear?”
There was silence. Then in a softer tone. “That’s why Aeson is running around here with his ass on fire. He portaled in two minutes ago with what looked like every warrior in the city. Aiden, are the kids in the cages?”
“Not all of them.”
“Kill da sick fucks!” the little one yelled again.
Meryn’s cackles came through loud and clear. “I like that one!”
“You would. Cages, baby. Any ideas?”
“Oh, yeah. Are they old cages or like newer vault style cages?”
Aiden scowled. “I don’t know. Uh, they look like the prison cells that you see in old westerns.”
“Cool, then quick question. Are the hinges of the cage door accessible on the outside?” she asked, sounding smug.
“Gotta go, babes.”
“You owe me.”
“Per usual,” Aiden admitted, then hung up his phone.
Gage and Priest were shaking their heads in disgust at themselves and were already heading toward the first set of cages.
“What’s a hinge?” Cody asked.
“It’s what the cage door swings on, so it can open,” Kincaid explained.
“You let the women speak?” the girl in the cage asked, through chattering teeth.
Aiden blinked, then smiled. “Not only do I let my mate speak, but I let her do whatever she wants. She even set my car on fire once.”
“You didn’t beat her?”
Aiden knelt down and the girl scooted back to the far side of the cage.
“My name is Aiden McKenzie, I am the Unit Commander. That means I am in charge of organizing men like…” he went to point to Gage and Priest and saw that Priest was precariously balanced on Gage’s shoulders as they attempted to pop the top hinge pin. He sighed. “Warriors like that. We protect the people who live in our pillar cities. We make sure that no man or woman gets hurt. That’s our job.”
“Even us?”
“Especially you,” he said softly. “Children are our greatest treasures. From here on out, you will want for nothing.”
A loud clanging noise had everyone turning. Priest and Gage had gotten the cage opened and were now helping one of the older boys to stand.
“What is your name?” Aiden asked the girl.