Page 38 of My Eternal Light
He raised the joined hands to point at the looking palace coming into view. “If at any point you feel like you can’t process anymore, let me know. We’ll head to the warrior villa.”
“What is that?”
“It’s where I live. All of the warriors of Éire Danu live together.”
“How many people is that?”
“Thirty warriors. Counting you, four mates and two little boys.” His face looked younger when he began speaking of his fellow warriors. “Brie and Cas stay there part time. Brie is mated to Ari and they split their time between the villa and Ari’s family. Cas and Priest also stay part time. Cas is actually Cassandra Vi’Illiya, the Founding Family head for House Illiya, so they spend a lot of time there. Gage and Zoe are the only full-time mated couple that lives at the villa. Zoe’s magic is a bit mischievous like mine, so she asked for attendants to help with fire suppression. She ended up with Ame and Yuki, two adorable boys from Japan. Ame controls the rain and Yuki the snow.”
“Will we be there full time too? Your family isn’t here?” she asked.
Kincaid stumbled and when he straightened, pure terror was in his eyes. “Kendrick!” he screamed.
Kendrick turned so fast Zadie was afraid he had hurt his neck. “What?” the older witch asked, looking concerned.
“My family!” Kincaid yelled, choking out the words.
One second Kendrick was ahead of them, the next he and Anne were gone.
Thane hurried over. “Kincaid you need to breathe! He’ll get to them.”
Kincaid bent over his hands on his knees.
Nigel and Neil placed their hands on his back. “Conquiescere, frater meus. Be at ease, our brother,” they whispered, their hands glowing green.
Aiden walked over. “Kincaid, can you walk?”
Kincaid shook his head.
Aiden slung his arm over his shoulder and half carried him. “Thane,” he said and looked down at Meryn.
Thane nodded and picked her up. “I have her.”
Aiden looked at her, Zoe and Cas. “Can you ladies run?”
They all nodded empathically.
Aiden looked at Nigel and Neil. “You stay at their sides the whole time.”
“Yes, sir.”
As one group, they followed Aiden as he ran up the winding path to the gate. A tall fae guard was waiting for them, because the second they came into view the gate swung open.
“The queen is waiting for you Commander. Head straight to her chambers,” he called after them as they ran past.
It was a few more minutes before they arrived at a set of impressive doors. Like the gate, when they got close enough as a tall man with dark blond hair waved them in. “He arrived a few minutes ago and Darian portaled him directly to Storm Keep,” he informed them.
Cas leaned in and quickly gave her the names of the fae in the room. The squire Cord, and the manger Portia. The radiant blond couple could only be the queen and her consort. Cas told her that they were Aleksandra and Brennus.
Aiden carefully set Kincaid down in a chair and pulled out his phone before walking away.
Zadie turned to Meryn. “What is happening?”
Meryn chewed on her lower lip. “Kincaid realized that if that screeching witch contacted the Witches’ Council, then they might go after his family as leverage.”
Kincaid buried his face in his hands, elbows on the table.
“Where did Kendrick go?” she asked.