Page 44 of My Eternal Light
“My love, you have no faith in me,” Ari complained walking in with Gage and Priest.
“No, it’s just that I know you. That man went after Kincaid, whom the three of you look after, so, of course he was going to end up with his brains leaking out of his ears.”
Kincaid stood. “Ari Lionhart, Gage Fabre, Priest Vi’Aerdan, I’d like you to meet my parents Jessup and Michaela Bayberry.”
His mother smiled warmly at them. “I have heard so much about you. Thank you, for looking after our boy.”
Both Ari and Priest blushed, Gage, however, gave a courtly half bow. “Our pleasure.”
As the three took seats next to their mates, Pip walked in, rubbing his hand over his eyes. “I fell asleep,” he admitted.
“Pip,” Meryn held out her arms reaching for the smaller man.
Pip brightened and walked over to sit next to Meryn cuddling her close. They both sighed happily, and Meryn passed him her cookies and oranges.
Jessup eyed Aiden. “I thought bear-shifters were notoriously protective of their mates?” he asked.
Aiden passed a mocha down to Pip. “He’s family, so it’s fine.”
“Did anyone forward Zadie the info packet Beth made?” Izzy asked.
“I was just waiting on an email,” Meryn said, looking at his mate pointedly.
Zadie rattled off an email and Meryn sent her whatever file Izzy was referring to.
Zadie frowned as she looked at her email and saw the file names. “SGW? What’s that?”
“Shit Gone Wonky, the next part is our most up to date section, it’s labeled FUBAR. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Now, make sure you have a lot of comforting blankets and snacks when you read that. Oh, and just assume all the trigger warnings apply,” Meryn tapped on her phone. “This next file is like my warrior database, but it’s of all our peeps. I have pictures and everything, including contact information and all relevant information, like their coffee orders.”
Izzy held up her phone. “I already added your preferences in there since I’ve had it memorized for years.”
Meryn moved her finger back and forth between them. “That’s right y’all know each other.”
Zadie blew kisses at Izzy who blew them back. “She kept me alive for years after I started teaching. A morning black eye, a lunch time cappuccino and latte to go and after I got off work the largest iced coffee they sold. My special treat was always a warm caramel macchiato with extra caramel,” she held up her cup and took a sip. “Even better than before, Iz.”
“Cord pretty much let me order whatever I wanted for the kitchen, so I got the beans I’ve been dying to try,” she sat back with her own mug. “Don’t get me wrong being with Oron is great, but being able to do the work I’ve always wanted without the bullshit has been heavenly.”
Oron leaned in. “I’m so glad I rate above coffee beans,” he teased.
“Barely,” she said, licking his chin.
Zadie looked over to him. “It’s the weirdest thing. I know we’ve only known each other a few hours, but you already feel like my best friend. Like, I’m sitting here imagining going over this info stuff and I automatically picture you at my side.”
Under the table he took her hand. “In the paranormal world, mates are two people who are perfectly matched. If you don’t resist, some say that you are rewarded with a euphoric bliss that carries you through to the time that you have built enough for the love to be true. I don’t know about you, but I wanted you from the first moment I saw you.”
She nodded. “I should have run from that building calling nine-one-one, but I couldn’t. There was something about you.”
“It wouldn’t have happened to be his broad shoulders and sexy scruff?” Meryn asked.
Zadie surprised him when she shook her head. “It was his eyes. I had never seen someone so warm or kind. He made me feel like I could trust him with anything.”
Ari cleared his throat looking slightly embarrassed. “It’s why we always looked after him. It’s not that he was young, hell, I’m about his age. It was because we didn’t want him to lose that softness.”
“I’m not soft,” he protested.
Zadie sighed happily. “No, you’re not.” There was silence, then she blushed furiously.
Meryn giggled, which set off Pip and the twins.