Page 58 of My Eternal Light
“I see Cana has her ears on.”
She went around the room and even the older children were smiling at the exercise. When Kincaid’s sisters saw that the other children were getting praised, they ran over and sat down quietly.
“Look at all my wonderful listeners. I am so proud of you. Now, Mr. Cord, I think our wonderful listeners deserve a big snack, they look like they could do with a second or third breakfast.” She made a face at the children. “Maybe a fourth?”
“Maybe a forever breakfast!” Cody said, giggling.
Cord looked at the children licking their lips and nodded. “At once.”
“Mr. Cord? I think maybe the children could do with some eggs. Let’s do some cheesy eggs.” She rubbed her belly. “One of my favorites. Eggs are wonderful sources of protein that will help you grow up big and strong.”
Cord nodded, then immediately left for the kitchen.
“I’m gonna be a warrior!” Cody shouted.
“Excellent, Cody! While we wait for Mr. Cord can I get the older children to stand.”
Six fifteen-year-olds stood, including Giles. “Until we get everyone settled into their own routines at the house, I would like to rely on you all for your help. Do you think that is something you can do?”
All six shrugged.
“Let me rephrase the question. You do not have to look after the little ones if you do not want to. I know that you have been tasked with that job for too long. The reason why I am asking for your help over the next few days is because the children are already familiar with you. But, you have every right to say no.”
One of the older boys stepped forward. “Will we get in trouble?”
“What is your name?”
“Aeron, of course you will not be in trouble. If you say no, I will simply ask others to help out. The choice is yours.”
Aeron looked down at the faces looking up at him. “I don’t mind helping. They’re my brothers and sisters after all. It’s my job.”
She held up her hand. “No, it’s our job,” she said, pointing to the adults. “Your job is to grow strong and to learn. To be kind and help others. Does that mean you won’t be asked to help from time to time? No. But, taking on the responsibility of the smaller children will no longer be your job. You are free to be a kid for a change.”
Aeron smiled shyly. “We can help if we want to, right?”
“Of course.”
The other teenagers all nodded.
“Wonderful. Now, I’m sure we have paper and markers somewhere?” she looked at Kincaid who nodded and pointed to the sitting room.
“We do Ms… what’s your name?” Cody asked, tilting his head to one side.
“My name is Ms. Zadie Williams. I am mated to Mr. Kincaid. I will be your teacher going forward. Let’s start with the front row, everyone please introduce yourself.”
Each child stood and proudly stated their names. She noticed immediately that they only used their first names. They didn’t identify themselves as Eirsons.
“That was wonderful children. I am so happy to have met you all.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cord waiting at the doorway that led to the kitchen. “It looks like Mr. Cord is ready with your eggs. What I would like you to do while you eat is draw some things for me. Your favorite color, your favorite thing and what you want to do when you get older.” She looked down at Cody. “What could you draw to show me you want to be a warrior?”
He thought on it for a long second then smiled. “Auntie Brie’s gun!”
“That is a great idea. Okay children, let’s stand.” She waited until the kids were on their feet. “On careful feet, walk, don’t run to the sitting room to work on your assignment. You may speak, but no yelling. When you yell you could be distracting someone else who is trying to think,” she explained “Someone will be in to check on you in a bit.”
Aeron clapped the way she had. “Alright kiddos, let’s show Ms. Zadie we have our listening ears on.”