Page 80 of My Eternal Light
Law winced. “She’ll be fine. She has that squire now.”
Thane got his phone out and sent a text.
Kincaid leaned forward a little. “Texting Aiden?”
Thane scowled. “Why distract him? I sent a text to Ryuu to watch her health and that she has history of passing out once the adrenaline wears off.”
Kincaid pulled out his phone and sent a similar text to Zadie. If she could wrangle toddlers, he was sure his mate would manage Meryn.
A piercing whistle sounded as the men began walking through the portal.
Kendrick’s expression was definitely wolfish when he finally tore his eyes away from his mate to look at them.
“Move out.”
Chapter Eleven
It was almost too quiet when they walked through the nearly invisible portal. Even though he knew for a fact, men were fanning out to surround the buildings, he couldn’t detect a single thing.
Kendrick whispered and the air around them vibrated. With a soundproofing spell in place, he looked to him. “Use whatever you have at your disposal.”
Kincaid couldn’t help the thrill of excitement, despite the dire circumstances. It was rare to be able to use one’s full power. If Kendrick was giving him the freedom to use his magic as he wished, he would not waste the opportunity.
“He looks like a kid at Christmas,” Law teased.
“Him? I’m just as eager to get started. There are spells I haven’t used in over a thousand years,” Justice added.
Kendrick stepped between them. “Are you four comfortable being a distraction?”
Law grinned. “You bet your royal ass we are.”
Kendrick sighed then looked to him. “Kincaid?”
“Sir, I was on the team that found the kids. I can’t wait to meet these assholes.”
“Good answer.” Kendrick cracked his neck. “Meryn did say we were to provide a signal. Let’s oblige.”
When the last unit leader confirmed they were in place, Kendrick lifted both arms, his hands curled as if he were clutching something. His whispered phrase sounded close to the guttural language Kincaid had heard earlier. Under their feet, the earth began to shake as two molten lava hands formed and twisted out from the ground. Each hand grabbed the side of the building housing a door and ripped the entire thing away, throwing it into the woods.
Within their soundproof bubble, they couldn’t hear anything, but from the comms line, Colton’s maniacal laughter, followed by a long howl was heard.
Kendrick lowered the soundproofing spell. “Do you think that worked?”
Gunshots in the distance echoed around them.
Law rubbed his chin. “I would say it did.”
“Gentlemen, we have a building to secure,” Kendrick said, before running ahead.
They easily kept up and without the two heavy, metal doors, they easily made their way inside.
Guards appeared to pour out from the left and right into the main chamber. Off to one side, a screaming fae was under a device that looked like it was pulling light out of him.
There was no thought. His air magic reacted forming a blade. Like a hot knife through butter, the top portion of the device was sliced away from its housing by the ceiling. Seconds later, he used an air current to push it from falling on the man and ended up crushing the device’s operator instead.
“Good job!” Law called out.
The Ashleigh brothers worked in tandem as one unit. Kincaid could see that this was as easy to them as breathing. Thane would lift, Law would shoot, and Justice would incinerate.