Page 94 of My Eternal Light
Portia took in the queen’s brusque tone and practically ran from the room to fetch the crystal.
Minutes later she returned with Molvan at her side, carrying the crystal. Gently he placed it down on the table.
The queen turned to them. “Please do not let them know you are here unless I call on you to speak.” With that she tapped the crystal.
“Storm Keep Witches Council, how can I help you?”
“Put me through to the council immediately,” the queen ordered.
“May I ask who is calling?”
The queen simply placed her hand on the crystal.
They heard the sound of stone on stone and a startled yelp.
“I moved your pedestal closer to your face so that you may read my signet easier.”
“Forgive me for not noticing earlier, Your Majesty, give me one moment to take this crystal directly to the council,” the male voice said, tripping over themselves.
They heard the quick staccato of footsteps running in a hallways before the receptionist announced their call. “Forgive the intrusion, I have Queen Aleksandra of Éire Danu calling for the council.” There was a brief pause. “I will leave this crystal here and see myself out.”
Meryn had to cover her mouth with both hands to keep her laughter silent.
“Your Majesty, to what do we owe this honor?” a male voice inquired.
“I demand an explanation.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you…”
“Do not play dumber than you really are Brugmansia. Why is the portal from Storm Keep closed?”
“Given all that has happened in Éire Danu, we, of course have security concerns,” he answered, smoothly.
“You know as well as I do, that the type of portals established in other pillar cities can only be opened and closed by the fae. Why would they present a security risk?”
“Things in Éire Danu must be extremely dire if your unit assigned witches are gaining second and third elemental powers,” he answered.
“I do not keep track of the warriors. My concern is with the portals that I created as part of an alliance I made with Storm Keep. Part of that alliance states that the fae has full control of the portal and that the land it rests on is considered a part of Éire Danu. You did not have permission to take it offline.”
“We are only acting in the best interests of our people. If Kincaid Bayberry were to return to Storm Keep for evaluation, we could possibly make the determination if his additional powers came online to keep himself safe.”
“You will have to request that of Aiden McKenzie, I have no say over unit warriors.”
“We have submitted that request, however, the Lycaonia council refuses to pass on our concerns.”
“That, isn’t my problem. Summon Salundro Vi’Ilkyan to the council chambers.”
“It may take some time to find him,” Brugmansia said, in a stalling fashion.
“You have three minutes. After that I will open up a new portal to Storm Keep and send my personal guard to find him. You will not like the results.”
“One moment.”
The line went quiet.
After nearly three minutes Brugmansia came back. “He is here, Your Majesty.”
“Salundro, go maith ar fad?” she asked, in a musical language.