Page 19 of The Mistletoe
Chapter Nine
Five Days Later
I stare at my computer screen until the screensaver comes on. It’s of a mother elephant and her baby. I can’t tell you any of the details on the screen–where they’re standing, the background colors, what they’re doing. I don’t even notice the phone ringing in Isabella’s office or the random noises of the other staff as they walk down the hallway in front of my door.
The only thing I can see is Knox’s eyes as his mouth descended on mine. I’ve only kissed one person before him, and it was the result of a lost bet.
Ben was dared by his moron friends to kiss me in the lunchroom to see my face light up like Rudolph’s–if he had freckles rather than a glowing nose. That part happened. So did the part where we both went to the principal’s office. The kiss was awful. He smelled like sour milk, and he should have wiped his mouth off first–gross and slimy.
Knox was the essence of sweet, hot, and demanding. He knew exactly where to put pressure and how much to exert. Where to put his hands and his tongue. Lord, he knows what to do with that thing. I shiver, and the chair squeaks. I have no doubt he knows what to do with everything, like the guys I read about in romance novels. I fan my shirt to cool down.
“Eek.” I jump, spin in my chair, and slap a smile on my face. “Yes, Isabella?”
“I’ve got a team meeting in five minutes. Do you mind locking the office when you’re done?” She slings the straps of her bags over her shoulder and stops in front of my desk.
“Yes. Sure.” When I’m done? That would imply I got started on something besides daydreaming.
“Thank you.” She smiles and grasps the door handle. “Don’t forget the Secret Santa exchange tomorrow.”
Shit. “Of course.” I shake my head like I have everything under control. I haven’t thought about the Secret Santa exchange since Knox had his hands all over me, and I was grinding on him like he was a woodchipper. I’m a homewrecker. I’m so disgusting.
“Perfect.” She bites her bottom lip. “Would you be willing to help me with something?”
“Of course.” I wipe my hands on my jeans and straighten my silk top.
“I need to get to the meeting, but I need to get something to Knox. Can you drop it off at the gym?”
“I….” My mouth tries to work, but I can’t get the words out. I can’t see him. My throat closes as adrenaline surges through me. I’ve come in and out of work through a different entrance and taken my lunch when I know he’s busy. At 10:00 a.m. I clear my throat. “Sure, I can do that.”
Isabella digs around in her bag, pulls out an envelope, and hands the item to me. “Here you go. Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, sure,” I murmur as the weight of the envelope is more than its half-ounce mass. How can I face him again? I acted like a fool coming onto him. It’s humiliating.
After she breezes out of the room, I sag against my chair. Why does Knox have a girlfriend?
Please. Don’t be silly. He’d had too much to drink and forgot where he was. Right? That must be it.
The elephant screen saver turns black. Yeah, I’m not getting any work done and need a present for Coach Tillman. I sign off the computer, grab my gear, and close the office.
When the doors of the elevator open, my heart skips a beat. Knox smiles and steps to the side, giving me room to get on. “Just the woman I was searching for.”
“Why?” I stand there like a rabbit that’s afraid to be eaten at the edge of the highway. Do I stay in the forest and become a snack? Or hop onto the street and get smashed by an eighteen-wheeler?
The door obstructs his arm from view. He shoves his hand out, blocking the sensor and making the door reverse directions. “Isabella said you have something for me.”
“Oh, right?” I nod and step onto the elevator. See…. he wasn’t looking for you. He wants his package. “Just a second. Let me find it.” I dig into my oversized purse until I find the item. “Here you go.” I glance up, and his eyes are glued to me like he’s eating me up. “Ahh…” I lick my lips. The elevator jerks and descends.
“What are you doing?” He shakes his head and steps into my space. There are mere inches between us. As usual, he’s wearing a t-shirt and shorts, exposing a whole lot of savory man in front of me. He shouldn’t tempt a girl like that.
“What do you mean?” I clutch my chest and forget to breathe.
“You’re messing with my head.”
What does he mean? I gnaw on my bottom lip. “How am I messing with your head?”