Page 106 of The Heir
Rolling his eyes, he answered, “No. I repeat, what’s up?”
“Come over here to the house. Not the trailer, to the house.”
“Oh? Is it getting done?”
“You’ll see. Get over here.”
After ending the call, Sel whispered, “How fast can you drive that thing?”
After dressing and donning the helmet, Sel found out how fast Indio could go on the bike. He started out at eighty and got faster from there, but Sel didn’t mind a bit. Never, even when he was in airplanes, had he ever felt more like he was flying.
The wind just shaped around him like a glove, the leather vest with the crazy Aztec mask against his cheek, and stray hairs from Indio’s ponytail were ticking his face.
He thought he’d be terrified, riding that fast on something that could so easily crash, but Indio rode with such confidence, it spread to Sel and he knew instinctively he’d be okay.
But he wasn’t just okay. He was free, and he was very much in love. The sex was great, but on the back of that bike was when he knew how he truly felt about Indio. He’d fallen uncontrollably in love with the man.
When they turned into the ranch, Sel felt almost sad. He liked them on their own, not constantly surrounded by people. And he felt Indio tense as well, as if he felt the same.
At the house, Sel got off the bike and Blaine ran over to him, giving him a quick hug. “Wait until you see it. It’s so beautiful!”
“It’s ready?”
“Oh there are a few details still to be finished, but it’s almost ready.” Blaine proffered a hand to Indio. “Good to see you! Please, come see my house.”
Sel was walking behind a very excited Blaine and he was shocked stupid when Indio reached over and took his hand. Never in a million years did he expect that, but especially not in front of his uncles. Blaine turned to tell them something, and saw that, and Sel got more of a surprise when he gave Indio a little wink.
Dante couldn’t stop staring at their clasped hands once they got to him. “Well, is this in lieu of talking to me about this?”
Indio’s head rose and he said, “No, sir. I’m talking to you now.”
Dante nodded once then met Sel’s stare. “And…you’re happy?”
“Uncle, I wouldn’t be with him if I were anything less than happy.”
“God, that’s the damn truth. Well, Indio, he’s your problem now, but you still have to tell his father, and his mother, and…of the two of them, I’m more afraid of the mother.”
Indio looked at Sel. “Is she like you?”
“A lot worse. She’s like my sister, and you’ll have to get through her too. Antonia is very protective of me.”
“Can I?”
“No, you’re not changing your mind.”
“Damn,” he said, then laughed.
They took a tour of the scandi-style home and Sel fell in love with it. It was open, simple, but the woods and stones used in the construction and décor made it feel terribly posh.
The wood flooring in the main area encompassing the living, dining, and hall were diamonds of dark woods on light wood blocks. The walls were either rough stacked stones or panels of pinewood.
The sconces and hanging lights were equally as simple but elegant, hammered brass and dull silver. Up the open staircase of matching dark wood to the diamonds, the second-floor landing looked over the main room and foyer of the main level, then split into two directions where the bedrooms were.
The third floor was a finished attic with an open plan and windows on each gable that let in light and showed the gorgeous views that surrounded the home for miles. “This will be my home office,” Dante bragged.
“Uncles, this is so beautiful. Four bedrooms?”