Page 108 of The Heir
He took it out from the paper and looked at the front, but there was nothing out of the ordinary there, just smooth black leather.
When he turned around to examine the back, however, there was a tiny patch at the very bottom of the vest.
It read, Property of Indio, Azteca Asesinos, President, Montana.
Sel felt his eyes tearing before he saw the blur of them and he turned to Mal just as they started to fall. “Mal…I love this.”
“Really?” he asked as he exhaled his relief. “God, I thought you’d throw it in my face.”
“Why? I am his, and, well, he doesn’t like talking about it, but he’s mine too.”
“He’s not getting one of these patches.”
“I don’t care. Mal, I love it. I really love it.”
Mal kissed him on the cheek and left the room, leaving Sel to sit on the bed and stare at the patch.
It wasn’t a promise ring, a wedding ring or even a collar, like a lot of the guys had, but it was something that told him, that told the world that he was definitely taken.
Indio came in without knocking, catching Sel crying. “What the fuck? You hate it.”
“Happy tears, asshole,” he said. “Try to take it, I dare you! I’ll kick your ass.”
Indio sat next to him, grabbing the vest from him. “This better warn the rest of these horny fucks to keep clear of you. You know…pretty soon, this land will be full of hot guys. If you want to…play around, let me know early on.”
“You don’t share, and neither do I. I don’t want anyone else, Indio.”
“Good. Keeps me from being the next serial killer.”
Sel laughed and took the vest back from Indio, then got it on.
“Wait, no! Dante will see that and fit me for concrete boots.”
“He will not.” He thought about it a moment. “I won’t let him see my back. You know…just in case.”
Chapter Thirty-One
The party started early, and everyone was smiling. In fact, Sel didn’t remember ever seeing so many teeth.
Once Dante got there, however, he pulled Sel aside and asked him to meet him in the ranch office before they started drinking and carrying on too much. Of course, that made him nervous, but more so when he said he wanted Indio there too.
Indio wasn’t shaken by it a bit, though. “It’ll be fine, Sel.”
“If he says we can’t be together, I’m leaving.”
“He won’t. Stop stressing and let’s go see what he wants.”
Sel stomped over to the office, the laughter and all the voices talking getting quieter the further they got from the party.
Then Sel stopped before they went into the office. “Did he see the vest?”
“No. He pulled up right before he came over to you. Stop!”
Sel nodded and pushed the door open. “Uncle Dante, if you try to send me back to LA or?”
“Jesus, Sel, shut the fuck up,” Dante said as he sat on the corner of the desk. Jace was sitting behind the desk, and Dallas was leaning back on the wall near Jace.
“What is this?”