Page 129 of The Heir
“I also have a wide assortment of guns at my disposal.”
“You’re so sexy when you’re all mafia like that.”
The night was so great, and everyone enjoyed themselves so much that he heard again and again from the people coming to him they’d be back, most wanting annual memberships so they could go any time they liked.
Sel heard them, saw their faces, just alive with excitement.
He saw much the same the next day as Indio rode him through to the resort, parking in the lot so they could walk along the wooden sidewalks, men carrying bags from shopping, men with satisfied and joyous expressions from eating in Binx’s restaurant.
As they were sitting down to eat there themselves, Sel’s phone went off and he answered it quickly. “Hello?”
It was Blaine. “Sel, she went into labor. We’re going to the hospital now. Can you find Ruben? She wants him there. She’s very frightened, as we are. She’s three weeks early.”
“I’ll find him, and we’ll get to the hospital.”
Binx was coming out of the kitchen to see them when he saw them getting up from their table. “What’s wrong?”
“Bonita went into labor. She’s having the babies, and they’re early. Can you call Ruben and have him meet us at the ranch office?”
“Ruben isn’t at the ranch today. He went with Marius to the lake. There’s no service there.”
“Which lake?”
“The one up by your house.”
Indio and Sel ran to the bike, and they rode like the wind to the lake closest to the compound, where they found the two men right away. Ruben was fishing and Marius was laying in the sun on a towel by the shore.
“Hey! Bonita’s in labor! They want us all at the hospital!”
Ruben left the pole in the water, and they got into Marius’s car and followed them out of the ranch and through Redbud on their way to Billings.
By the time they made it into the waiting room, Dante was there, hugging Blaine in the center of the room. Sel’s stomach dropped, fearing the worst, but once Dante spotted them, he went to Ruben first. “She’s fine, and she wants you in there with her.”
Ruben left, but Marius asked what they were all wondering. “And…and the babies, Dante?”
Blaine blurted through his sobs, “They’re both fine! Healthy, just a little small, but…but it’s normal for twins! They’re fine!”
Sel hugged Blaine as he sobbed more, and Sel even cried. For so long, his uncles had wanted to be fathers, and like the magic place it was, they’d found their dreams there.
The nurse brought the babies out for the two dads to see, and Dante started sobbing the second he saw his sons. “God…God, they’re both so beautiful.”
Blaine’s tears had dried, and he took one baby into his arms like he’d been doing it for years. “Hey. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m one of your dads.”
Dante was just blubbering, but he took the other baby, and he looked like he was scared to death. “What he said.”
Sel looked into the little faces, and right away, he saw the Carrillo baby, and the Matthews' baby. The Carrillo boy looked like Cesar when Cesar was first born. Blaine’s was a pretty little thing with a pale face and full cheeks.
And, of course, the Carrillo baby was screaming bloody murder while Blaine’s lay quiet, looking up at his father like he knew he was safe and secure.
“Which is which, I wonder,” Dante said and every eye in the place rolled.
Blaine said, “They’re both ours, they’re both beautiful.”
“Right. Right, okay, yeah,” Dante said.
Barry came out of the delivery room, smiling. “I just asked Bonita to marry me.”
After everyone congratulated him, Blaine asked, “Is she okay with this? No regrets?”