Page 27 of The Heir
“I don’t think he does. He was asking Marius about you last night. I…may have overheard this, so don’t snitch on me.”
Sel promised, “Never. In my family, a rat is a terrible thing.”
Ruben giggled. It was pretty adorable. “So…do you like him?”
“Is this junior high? I just told you I think he hates me.”
Ruben groaned, “God, why don’t men ever know when they’re being hit on?”
“Hit on? That is hitting on me? He barely speaks to me, and when he does, it’s with as much total disdain as he can manage.”
“Oh, please. You should have seen Dallas and Marius when they first met. You’d have thought they were going to kill each other. They were fighting over me until I had to…suggest that we’d all be better together.”
“You schemer. You got them to stop fighting?”
“Sure! It wasn’t hard once, you know, they got hard.”
Sel laughed with him. “I like the way you think, but I also think you’re way off with Indio.”
“He’s fire, Sel. Totally and completely hot.”
“I haven’t noticed,” he lied.
Ruben didn’t believe it. “If Marius and Dallas wouldn’t have my ass in a sling for a month, literally, I’d drool over him right in front of everyone.”
Knowing he’d noticed, he shook his head, admitting a small bit of it. “He’s not ugly, no, but for all I know, he’s straight.”
“He’s not straight. He’s got a tattoo with a guy’s name on it in a heart. When I asked him about it, he said it was a very old tattoo for a very old mistake.”
That made a lot of difference, and Ruben knew it, judging by the sly smile that had curved his full, lovely lips.
Admitting he had an attraction was one thing. “He’s hot, fine, but he’s also a prick.”
“A big prick. At least he has one.”
Sel’s jaw dropped even as his mind ran wild with implications. “How do you know?”
“He lives here! He’s one of those that like to walk around naked, or almost naked when he wakes up. I’ve seen more cock here at my house than I’ll likely see in that club when it opens!”
Cringing a little at the thought of seeing some of those guys naked, Sel said, “Ew.”
“It’s not all bad, but Dallas sure gets all squirrely about it. If he catches me looking, I get…well, never mind.”
Sel knew then that Ruben was for sure submissive to the two men, which didn’t fit his personality at all. “You like that stuff?”
“Stuff?” he asked innocently, but Sel saw the gleam in his eyes.
“Don’t make me beg.”
“Okay,” he sighed, then went to the back door to check on Marius. “Good, he just started putting the burgers on.” When he sat on the stool next to Sel, he whispered hurriedly, “I played rough in the past, but with Dallas and Marius, it’s…different. Dallas is all Dom, Marius too, but he’s actually submissive to Dallas sometimes, and…it’s all so sexy. I can’t ride a horse three days out of every damn week, but it’s so worth it.”
Sel could imagine. “I haven’t gotten to explore much like that. I can’t get into most of the clubs, and then there’s the huge bodyguards that are hanging around me all the time. They keep the more serious guys away. Can you imagine Bennie coming in because I was getting spanked and screaming?”
“You? You’re a submissive? Wow.”
“I guess it makes sense. You aren’t sure of your place in a lifestyle like that. You might figure out you’re a Dom later on, maybe, or not.”