Page 32 of The Heir
When the bikes pulled up again, Rico wasn’t with them any longer. Indio came up the stairs, peeking into the doorway to see Dante, Bennie, and Bruno holding a gun on him. His hands rose, as did the corners of his mouth. “I’m here at your request.”
Dante chuckled as he lowered his gun, and Bruno followed suit. “Sorry, Indio. I’m sure you understand.”
“Sure, sure. No problem.” He came in and turned his head straight to Sel. “Ready?”
Bennie grabbed Sel’s bags and started out the door while Sel stood, trying to be as strong as he could, staring Indio in the eye. “I’m ready.”
When Sel said goodbye to his uncles, he left the trailer with Indio, who lowered the volume and raised the pitch of his voice to taunt Sel. “Roomies! Are you excited?”
Sel turned to face him, and Indio got right in his face. “I don’t know what your problem is with me. Maybe you weren’t hugged enough by your mother. Whatever it is, stop.”
Indio’s eyes stared harshly into Sel’s. “Or what? You gonna tell Uncle or Daddy?”
“I don’t need to tell anyone to deal with a low-life scumbag like you.”
Bennie was right there, pulling Sel from him. “Problem here?”
“No,” Indio said. “You saved him before there could be.”
Sel was taken to the car and Bennie opened the back door, allowing him inside before shutting the door and moving around to the front. As all that happened, Sel stared daggers at the laughing biker, who was getting onto his Harley.
The sound of the bike didn’t take his thoughts away from the hatred he was developing for the man. The hardest thing was knowing he was right. If he kept pushing Sel, Sel would have no recourse but to let his family become involved.
Maybe that was why he was antagonizing him right back. Sel knew he’d be protected, no matter what.
Standing out from what people thought of him, that might be the most important thing he could do. Taking the hard trails instead of the paved roads, so to speak. Showing what he was made of would take a lot more than shooting a few cups off a motorcycle.
If he found the killer. If he took out the killer. That would show all of them he was ready. That was laughable, however. If all the people on the ranch had tried and failed to find him, how would Sel?
When they got to the farmhouse, Prince waved to him from the porch, and Ruben came out of the screen door. He was greeted with hugs from the two of them, then he was invited to sit on the porch with them.
“It’s probably better to go inside, Mr. Carrillo,” Bennie suggested.
Sel looked past him to the smirking ass that was Indio and said, “No. I’ll stay right here. Thanks.” Taking a seat on the rattan sofa, crossing his legs slowly, like he’d seen his uncle do a thousand times, he glared hatefully at Indio, then added a verbal slap. “Take a lap around the house. Do your job.”
Prince’s mouth was a perfect O as the three of them watched the biker seething. Ruben whispered as soon as Indio was out of sight, “What the hell was that about?”
“I told you he hated me. He’s not hiding it.”
“He looks so pissed.”
“He’s an ass.”
Prince didn’t say a thing at first, and when he did, it surprised them both. “Maybe he wants to hate-fuck you.”
Their heads spun like they were on a swivel, and Ruben barked a laugh. “Prince,” Ruben yelled, then he giggled. “I cannot believe that came from you.”
Sel was shocked, too. Soft-spoken and sweet, Prince was small and seemingly tender. Then again, he was with Dex, one of the toughest men Sel knew. That was saying a lot. “How often do you and Dex…you know…fight?” he asked, laughing.
“Enough,” he said, then turned bright red as his hands covered his laughing face.
Marius came out of the front door right then, seeing their laughing, blushing faces. “Wow, what did I walk into?”
“Enough,” Ruben said, and they all laughed together, Prince falling over his knees.
In his hands was a rifle with a scope, and he walked down the stairs to hand it to Indio. That sobered them. “Damn, that makes it too real,” Prince whispered.
“Yeah,” Sel agreed.