Page 43 of The Heir
Their sons in the hands of their grandmother Walton, or even their great uncle, Dennis, were dangerous. They were spoiled rotten in either home. “Okay, well, Dante left me a text to meet him at his trailer.”
“I thought he left!”
“He’s back. They flew back last night. Seems he got a second wind to deal with the serial killer.”
“Goody. More time with the criminals, chasing more criminals. Lane, I swear to God, if you put yourself in danger, I’m going to call Lanie and Little Dennis and let them bitch you out this time.”
Travis growled, “You bet.”
“Well, let’s see what the guy has to say. If I don’t like it, we’ll grab up Pappy, Nathan, and Binxie, and get back home.”
“That’s a good plan. What if you like it and I don’t?”
Lonnie wiggled a little and then purred, “I’ll do what my beautiful Master wants.”
“Sure! I’ll believe that when I see it. Stubborn fuck.”
“Rude,” Lonnie said, laughing.
On the way to the trailer, Lonnie saw a bunch of cowboys riding fast in the valley toward the mountains. “Pretty, isn’t it?”
“The cowboys or the horses?”
“Both,” he teased. “There are some good-looking men here.”
“Lane, I’m about to get really mad at you.”
Lonnie reached over and grabbed Travis’s hand that wasn’t on the wheel. “No one compares to you.”
Travis was jealous, but so was Lonnie. They were strictly monogamous and liked it that way. Most all their friends were either in throuples or were in open relationships. Lonnie and Travis had never gone down that road.
What they did to spice up things was to perform in front of crowds at clubs. Their kinks were on display for everyone to see. A favorite was the bullwhip that Travis wielded skillfully, and it never failed to awe the crowds.
That had all taken a backseat, however, in recent years while their two boys grew. Lonnie became sheriff of their hometown of Apishipa Creek. Travis ran a small business at home, connecting kinky people with memberships to clubs and to people that made and sold kink implements. That way, there was always someone home for their sons.
As Lonnie thought of the resort that was being quickly built, he imagined it, returning to the club scene, on stage, being with his husband and wowing a crowd of their people at night, while in the day, fishing and camping with their kids.
“You know, Travis, if this place gets going, it’s going to be great.”
“Travis, you know how hard it is to catch a guy like that Brooks. Until he wants to be caught.”
As Travis laughed, Lonnie stared over at him. “Lonnie Lane Walton, you know you’re itching to be let loose on this land to catch that man.”
“And you won’t let me!”
“Like that ever stopped you.”
It was Lonnie’s turn to laugh. “Well, I have been thinking. You will not like it.”
“I’m sure I won’t. Can we get through the drive to the mobsters before I start yelling?”
“Oh definitely! Please!”