Page 69 of The Heir
“This asshole, is he caught then?”
“No. He’s a slippery fuck, but we’ve got all precautions in place again, and no more using our people as bait. We underestimated him, but he did the same with us.”
“The feds?”
“Still aren’t here. They’re coming from Salt Lake. Had to be formerly asked by Vic Meyers, our sheriff, of course, but they’re taking their sweet time.”
Antonio mentioned, “It’s the way it’s always been, Dante. We had to become our own police when we came to this country, learning it from doing the same in the old country. Fuck the feds. We’ll take care of our own.”
Dante agreed heartily. “With our new computer man, we’ll know where he is if he dares to try to leave the country again. We’ve sent men up near the Canadian border, down to the Mexican, too. If he tries to leave this area again, Prince Rose will know it from the software, and we can send out the alert with the make and model of the car and all.”
“Good. I’m glad. I wish we could stay for his capture. Cesar is, I’m afraid, in trouble again.”
Sel hid a smile behind his hand. His little brother was a menace. He’d been terribly spoiled by the entire family, but mostly by his siblings. Sel and Antonia lavished affection on him and constantly took the blame for all his mischief.
“What is my nephew up to now?”
“Went out with those hoodlum friends of his. They went out to a party in the valley, didn’t come home until three, and when he came home, he was in the back of a cop car.”
Dante’s jaw dropped. “Cesar? I just can’t believe he’s…”
“Believe it,” Selena said. “Little brothers always cause a lot of problems,” she added, pointedly staring at Dante.
“I was a peach,” he argued.
Blaine stuck up for Selena. “He is now because of me. He was a pain in the ass before that. I remember the tail end of it.”
When his parents left that evening, he was kissed, hugged, and warned a dozen times to behave and stop placing himself in danger. Sad to see them go, he waved as the SUV pulled away, feeling like he should have said more.
Dante was beside him and threw an arm around his shoulders. “I hope you don’t think they are ditching you.”
“No. I’m sad they had to come at all. I just realized I really miss them. First time I’ve felt like…like I live away from them. Weird?”
“No. At college, you went home for holidays and breaks. While it’ll always be home, Sel, you don’t really live with them any longer.”
“I guess so. I really love my parents, Uncle Dante. I never want to disappoint them.”
“You made them proud, Sel. It was all you. You saved those men by leaving that tracker and tablet outside of the bunker. We might have found none of you. And going in there, armed, you might have been stuck, but you would have still saved those men that were in there.”
“Maybe, sure, but…”
“But nothing. Go back to the farmhouse and celebrate with your new friends. Just don’t steal their fucking trackers again.”
“No, sir.”
Chapter Twenty-One
He was greeted with not only hugs, kisses, and pats on the back, but Binx had fixed a huge dinner for the returning heroes.
Binx dragged him into the kitchen where the food was laid out, forcing him to get the first plate of the beef Wellington and fixings before any of them would eat a crumb of it. “As mad as your uncle was, he was also very proud.”
“I know. He told me.” He set down his plate and grabbed Binx’s shoulders. “I need to apologize for lying to you and stealing your tracker. I’m so sorry, Binx.”
Whispering, Binx told him, “No! I’m glad you did. Ruben, Dallas, they’re glad. Prince is. You saved them, Sel. Besides, it’s not like you did it maliciously. In fact, I’d have done the same thing.”
The one person Sel hadn’t seen was Indio, so while they were alone, he asked Binx, “Where is he? Where is, you know, Indio?”
“In the basement. He took a shower and then he went out to smoke and then right back into the basement. Did that all day.”