Page 80 of The Heir
“Or not.”
“Whatever. Just fuck me.”
“Now we’re talking.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
Sel watched his face as he climbed over Indio’s dick, slowly lowering himself on it. He could instantly tell Indio was uncomfortable with Sel being on top, but he was also tired, so he didn’t make a fuss.
The way Sel had positioned his body, pretending to be asleep to see what Indio would do, was brilliant. Barely covering his dick, looking as good as he could while the dark hid his twitching lips.
The girth of the thing stretched him again, and though he was still pretty open from the previous night, it still ached like a tree was being inserted into his ass. “I could give you a big compliment right now, if I didn’t think it would go to your head,” he grunted as he stopped moving for a few seconds to adjust.
“I know I got a big dick. I’m just laying here laughing at you while you try so hard to take it and act like it’s not killing you.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“Yeah, an ass with a huge dick up your ass.”
Sel pushed down faster, and though it really was killing him, he refused to show it. All it ended up doing was making Indio laugh.
“Stop laughing or I’ll get off you and you can enjoy your hand to get off.”
“Why? I think you’re funny, trying so hard to pretend it doesn’t hurt. Kinda sexy, too, how stubborn you are.”
Whether or not he meant to make Sel blush, Sel felt his face and chest heating. “I’m always sexy,” he managed as he bottomed out on that big dick.
His voice was strained, but not as bad as it could have been. Indio didn’t seem to notice as he grabbed Sel’s hips and nodded slowly. “Yeah. You are.”
“Wow, almost a compliment? From you?”
“All you’re gonna get. Now, fuck yourself. I wanna watch.”
Sel moved, lifting, sitting, lifting, sitting, slowly at first, his hands flat on Indio’s muscled chest. Indio was lean, but he had an amazing body when he wasn’t wearing his constant black T-shirts and faded, loose-fitting jeans. Flat stomach, ripped pecs, and an ass that was much too nice to hide under those jeans.
If he could without offending the guy, he’d buy him a wardrobe fit for a body such as his. Lean, hard-working muscles that came from a man that got dirty in his day-to-day tasks. That was what was missing from his life, men that had grease under their nails and dust blowing in their faces while they rode vibrating metal monsters.
As he fucked himself, he stared into Indio’s crazy eyes. How intense they always were, even in moments when he was being softer than normal.
Like in that moment, with Sel making love to him, smiling disarmingly, soft hands gently gripping his hips. Indio wasn’t his normal gruff self, and Sel knew the day must have ended better than he’d feared.
After he made Indio come, and he jacked himself off while Indio’s cock was still inside him, he moved off, threw the condom in the trash, and lay next to Indio. “The day went well?”
“Yeah. We’re good to go. Now, just getting this security detail over with so we can start finding a clubhouse.”
Sel’s finger traced over the tattoo on Indio’s chest, the big Aztec mask that was like the one on the club’s patch. “You, uh, hate doing the security here?”
“Yeah, I feel like I’ve made such a difference, you know, getting caught by that asshole.”
“That wasn’t your fault, Indio.”
“It kinda was. And that is enough talking.”
Sel kissed him sweetly and laid his head on Indio’s chest. “Sorry. I know you are trying so hard to avoid certain subjects.”
“Yeah, and I ain’t apologizing for that, either.”
Sel smiled, hearing it in his voice. He didn’t want to talk about it because talking would reveal how he really felt. “I don’t need words, Indio.”