Page 82 of The Heir
“Bullshit,” Kirk told him. “I seem to remember some guy looking at him at that run and you about lost your fucking cool. Me and Trip had to hold you back from killing the guy.”
Eight got up and shrugged the duffle strap onto his shoulder as he grinned. “I don’t remember it that way.”
Indio went to him with a hug. “Thanks, hermano. For everything, you know?”
Eight looked him in the eye after the hug. “You got this. Don’t fuck up and make me come back to kick your ass.”
“Like you could.”
They walked him out and Indio purposely avoided Sel while walking through the kitchen, but once Eight had ridden off, Sel was outside next to him. “Sad he had to go.”
“He was dumb enough to have a family.”
“Having a family is dumb?”
“Yeah,” he said in a sneer. “It’s dumb for a gay dude to think we can do what the straights do. Same for bikers. We ain’t like other people.”
“That’s a stupid thing to say. Why don’t you tell my uncle that? He’s having a family with his husband.”
Indio smiled at him and went back into the house, but he couldn’t shake the annoying fuck. “Indio, stop.”
He turned and hated they were alone, so he didn’t have an excuse to tell him to be quiet. “Sel, don’t. I’m not the family having kinda guy. If that’s what you want, find someone else.”
Unable to shake him, Sel followed him through the kitchen and down into the basement. Indio stood facing away from him, but Sel wouldn’t back down. “You’re being a jerk. I never said I wanted to have a family with you. Why would I? You’re probably as abusive as your fucking father!”
Indio’s temper broke, and he spun around and grabbed Sel by the throat. Fury pulsed in his veins, and he wanted nothing more than to snap his neck, but then he saw Sel’s eyes, how tears fell from them.
He realized Sel was right. He was like his father.
“I didn’t mean that. I swear it, Indio. It just…came out.”
Indio let his hand relax and it fell to his side. “Why not? You’re right.”
Sel looked so good, so clean and fresh all dressed in white, like some angel that had no business around a guy like him.
“I’m not right. Indio…I’m sorry. I didn’t expect that. I just want…I want…”
“What? For me to fall in love with you? Sel, that’s not me! That’s not me, and you need to stop expecting that. You’re way too good for me. I’m a scuzzy biker. I’m nothing compared to you.”
Sel grabbed his T-shirt and pulled Indio close. “You’re so much more than you can even know. I’m not asking for anything more than you can give me, Indio. Stop pushing me away. Fuck! You’re making me crazy.”
“Me? Do you know how fucking annoying you are?”
“Yeah! I’ve been told!”
Indio laughed at last, his knuckled brushing over Sel’s teary cheeks. “Stop fucking crying, you pussy.”
“I cry when I’m pissed off.”
Sel moved up to kiss him and then whispered, “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there. I’m on top this time.”
“You loved me riding you.”
“Ain’t gonna happen again, no matter how fun it was,” Indio whispered in a growl. He grabbed Sel’s chin and got right in his face. “I’m gonna teach you who’s on top in this…whatever the fuck it is.”