Page 22 of Kingdom of Wolves
“Like Alpha Torrance,” I murmur before I can stop myself.
“No, not like him. He’s going feral because he’s using apower that isn’t his to use. He also doesn’t have his mate as she died, andinstead of choosing a second mate to help that problem, he continued as Alphaand without a mate.” Gregor shakes his head as he’s speaking, and I can see thedisgust in his eyes.
Mate needs mate, without mate, we go feral. But finding anew mate is good, keeps us grounded, and gives us purpose.
‘Thank you, Ebony. You’re wise to say as you’ve only justbeen born.’ I wink at Ebony in my mind and she rolls her eyes at me, but I cansee her give me a wolfy grin as she settles back down into the back of my mind.
“That’s enough talk. Let's get moving. You will stay besideme at all times. If I say get behind me, you do, no questions asked. I’ll make surenothing happens to you if any trouble develops. And Tatiana, if I say run, yourun, or I’ll beat your ass myself.” Gregor is looking directly into my eyes,throwing power over me, letting me know how serious he is.
“Okay,” I respond and follow him outside to the back of thecouncil member's house. I quickly change to Ebony, and she stands with her noseup, sniffing the air, ears erect and every bone in her body is alert.
Gregor shifts into his large wolf, deep gray, long hairaround his neck and under his ears. Deep brown eyes with an orange rim. Walkingup to Ebony, I hear him say his name is Smoke. He has a deep voice and his aurais warm and welcoming. Ebony receives him in return as warmly.
Turning, Smoke sets out at a steady pace and increases thetempo once he sees Ebony keeping up easily. Every few minutes he increases thepace and we arrive near the Eclipse border around four hours later. We’re bothpuffing and although we stopped at a stream to have a drink earlier, we standat the tree line near where the two borders meet.
A dark brown wolf appears on the opposite territory, showingno aggression, but fully alert. His body is tense and if we step over theborderline, I’m sure he’ll think nothing of attacking.
Studying me for a moment, the wolf suddenly goes still andhis eyes glaze over. He’s speaking to pack members, I’m sure. Gregor shifts andturns to me, murmuring. “Change now. I don’t want more seeing Ebony.”
Ebony quickly recedes and I move forward, changing andkeeping my clothes, and I’m thankful for that when three men step out of thetrees opposite. The middle man of the three is huge, and from the power pouringfrom him, he has to be Alpha Blueblood.
“What are you doing lurking near the pack border, Gregor?”Alpha Blueblood asks, and his voice is deep but smooth, and it has a warmth toit you just wouldn’t expect.
“I was hoping you’d be around because I wanted you to meetsomeone that Wolfsfoot is protecting. I’d like you to meet TatianaWinterstorm.” Gregor doesn’t delay in saying who I am and I’m surprised, as Iknow there is an appeal pending for my return to the Blackshadow Pack.
Frowning, the Alpha steps nearer the border but doesn’t takea step over it. He looks me over with a frown, but it’s in no way derogatory.“Winterstorm, are you related to the last Alpha of the Blackshadow Pack?”
Gregor holds his hand up for me not to speak. “Yes, and youcan’t tell anyone you’ve seen her or where she is. Alpha Torrance is trying toget her back, but he’s treated her like a servant since her parents died. She’sfreed herself of the pack and has rejected the pack and the Alpha. He has norights to her, but we are protecting her as we don’t want him coming intoWolfsfoot and snatching her.” Gregor steps closer to Alpha Blueblood beforecommencing. “Tatiana has been claimed as a daughter of Lykos and AkelaGreyfoot, and if anyone tries to take her, the town will go to war. Don’t doubtthat if you doubt anything else.”
I can see the Alpha’s eyes are glazed, which means he’sbeing linked by a pack member, but when his head shoots up and his eyes glowslightly looking directly at me, I know the warrior has told him about Ebony.
“Is it true?” Alpha Blueblood asks, looking at Gregor.
“You mean what she is?”
“Yes, but you need to keep that to yourself, too. I’ve comehere knowing you are a trustworthy Alpha. You know what is the right thing todo, and keeping this to yourself is more than a little important.” Gregor turnsand holds his hand out, flicking his fingers for me to step nearer. “Take agood smell of Tatiana, and if I send her to you, can you hide and protect her?We’ll only do that if she’s in danger that we can’t save her from, it would bea last resort.”
I step closer and Ebony rises. I can feel the power that sheis giving to the Alpha, and he’s taking in every detail. He growls at hiswarriors with an Alpha command. “You will never speak of this meeting. You willnever speak of anything you’ve heard. Now go halfway back to the packhouse andwait until I call you.”
Gregor chuckles. “You know you’ve sent your Beta away, don’tyou?”
“Yeah, he’ll get over it. Shift and let me see your wolf.”When I don’t immediately respond he grins. “Please.”
Well, now he’s asked nicely. I hear Ebony say beforethe shift quickly ripples over me, and I hear his intake of breath when he seesher.
Squatting down onto his haunches, the Alpha is eye-to-eyewith Ebony. He looks her over, and she’s preening. The little hussy that sheis, that’s what I’m thinking. “I’ve not seen a female Alpha in a long time. Iwas a pup when one visited the pack and two years later she was killed when twoAlphas fought over her. It is a pleasure to meet you, and if you need shelter,you can come here anytime and my pack will protect you.” Standing, he continuesto watch Ebony’s every move. “My wolf’s name is Shaman, and he has your scentand will recognize you if you come into our territory. I’ll inform my mate andher wolf, Midnight.”
I quickly shift back to myself and smile at the Alpha.“Thank you.”
“Come, Tatiana, we need to get back. Now Alpha Bluebloodknows of you and the threat to you from Alpha Torrance, we can get back totown.” Gregor gives a nod to Alpha Blueblood and we both walk away
We walk in our human form for half an hour without a wordbeing spoken between us. I look over at Gregor and feel I have to ask. “Why didyou tell the Alpha who I was and what I was? I thought we were going to keep ita secret for now.”
“When I spoke to Flint last night, he said the state ofBlackshadow Pack was worse than he thought. He’s staying until Sunday morning,then he’s coming back to Lykos’ farmhouse. I don’t know the details, but he’sworried about some of the pack members and is going to arrange their removalfrom the pack, but he’s going to do it so it doesn’t throw up a red flag. Buthe wants our three surrounding packs aware because the more packs that willstand behind you, the worse for Alpha Torrance.” Gregor flicks his hand andbefore I can respond again, he’s in his wolf form and trotting away.
Arriving back in town, we shift back to our human selvesonce more and head to Gregor’s office. Inside, he walks over to a mini-fridgeand takes out two bottles of water, handing me one, which I quickly open anddrink.