Page 31 of Kingdom of Wolves
“I came to invite you to my birthday dinner on Wednesday. Itwill not be a huge thing, just my parents, me and maybe your parents if theywant to come. I don’t do birthdays, but with it being my fifteenth, my mommawanted to do something this year.”
“Why don’t you usually do birthdays?”
Noticing a blush rush into his cheeks, I wish I’d not asked,but he replies although he drops his head and looks at the ground. “I don’thave friends; people don’t like me much. I talk too much and get into trouble,so they keep away from me.”
“Oh well, that’s okay. I never had friends either. You’re myfirst friend, so that makes you my bestie.” I grin when Brod’s head shoots upfrom where he’d been staring at the ground, and a bright smile crosses hisface.
“Bestie, yeah, I’ll be a perfect bestie.”
Throwing my head back, laughing, I enjoy the moment. Brod isyoung, but he’s going to be a great man and have a good wolf. Of that, I’mpositive.
He will have a good wolf; I can sense that. Ebonysurprises me when she speaks, but I’m happy she can sense Brod will have a goodwolf.
“Come on, let's see if Poppa Lykos and Momma Akela want tocome to your birthday party.”
We make our way into the farmhouse and I quickly wash myhands while Brod is doing his invites. I grin when I hear them both accept theinvitation, and make sure he knows they are honored to be asked.
Brod is getting excited and when he does, he talks fast andeverything spills out of his mouth.
“I’m Tati’s bestie. Just so you know, that means I can comeand see her anytime. Oh, and we can do things together, go places, you know, asbesties do.”
“Is that right now?” Lykos chuckles and looks over at mewith an eyebrow lifted, but I can see he’s joining in the fun of this.
“Oh, yes, Brod is my bestie. Best bestie anyone ever had.” Isolemnly state, then turn and give Brod a huge smile.
“What are you two doing today? Drake said you’ll be havingtoday off from training. But don’t be overdoing things. Your body needs somerest before you start again tomorrow.” Akela passes me a glass of lemonade shepours from the jug on the table, handing one to Brod too, who drinks it down inone gulp. Tutting, Akela gives him a stern look, but he smirks before handingher his empty glass.
“Come on bestie, let's go tell my momma you are all comingto my party.” Brod turns to Lykos. “If that’s okay with you?”
Lykos gives him a stern look, but I can see the laughter inhis eyes. “Yes, that’s okay, but don’t be getting into any mischief.”
Brod and I rush out and start the walk down the farm trackto town. The sun is shining, and it’s a good day. I’m so happy to have afriend, even though he is nearly two years younger than I am. I don’t care. Ilike him, and he likes me, and that’s all that matters.
Walking into Brod’s house, his momma is more than happywe’ll be coming to the party she’s holding, and I can see she loves her son asit shines from her eyes. I wonder why they didn’t have more pups because theyare good parents. But it’s not for me to be nosy and get into other people’sbusiness.
“Come on Tati, let’s sit in the garden,” Brod says, grabbingmy hand and dragging me through the kitchen.
Settling on the garden seat, I smile when I notice theflower beds, small pond, and all the bird feeders dotted around. Brod’s mommais kind and that shows in the way she’s helping the wildlife. Oh, I notice ahedgehog house next to a bush and a small wild beehive hanging in a tree.
“I know what you’re looking at.” Brod chuckles. “All momma’snature stuff. She’s crazy about all the animals and because they can smell thewolf on us, things stay out of the garden, but she’s been so patient andcareful that some come as they know they’ll not be hurt.”
“It’s a lovely thing that she does, and it shows what alovely person she is. You have great parents, Brod.”
“I know, they are patient with me even though I get intotrouble sometimes.” Chuckling at his own remark. I can’t help the giggle thatbursts out and looking at each other, we laugh together.
“Can you remember your parents?”
Sucking in a breath, before replying. “I was nine when theydied, and I remember them well. Pop was a good father, he showed he loved meall the time. He used to kiss the top of my head every morning at the breakfasttable, and every night when I went to bed. Momma was a friend to me as well asa mother, she took me everywhere with her. We used to go shopping, to the localdiner, and help at the pack’s nursery. So yeah, I can remember them, but maybeit would have been easier if I couldn’t, because I miss them badly, even now.”
“I heard the shifter council is coming next week to speakwith you. Will you be okay?” Brod looks over with a frown between his eyebrowsand a seriousness I’ve never seen on him before.
“Yeah, they can’t force me to do anything. The worst thingthey can do is try to push me to join a pack.” Giggling, I lean against Brod’sshoulder and he grins at that before I continue. “If I have to, I’ll join theBlood Pearl Pack. Aurora isn’t going to let anyone make me be someone’s mate orjoin a pack I don’t want to be in.”
“I’ve heard about Aurora. Never seen her, but her reputationis that she’s tough but fair.”
“I met her and she’s a bit frightening, but I think you areright. She seemed fair, although she’s someone you have to prove yourself tobefore she’ll step beside you.”
Nodding, Brod looks up and we both jump when his father isstanding nearby. Both of us had been so invested in our conversation that wehadn’t noticed him.