Page 38 of Kingdom of Wolves
Yeah, it seems so. We need to learn to be more observant.Oh, and watch these two for sneakiness. Hearing Ebony chuckle is between agrowl and howl. It’s pretty amusing by itself.
Chapter 15
Flint comes over early and I’m thankful it’s Friday, although Drake saidEbony is going to be training later. We are all sitting outside in the morningsun, and I wait for Flint to speak.
I quietly sip my fruit juice Momma Akela gave me and I mindspeak with Ebony. ‘Have you any idea what is really going on with the shiftercouncil?’
Things are often not what they seem. We will have to seehow things play out. We can trust most of the council, the two we are unsure ofwe’ll keep an open mind, for now anyway.
‘Do you think the rogue town will want to be a pack? I’m notsure the council are who I want to be giving me rules and orders to follow.’
I understand, but everyone needs rules or the world wouldjust be chaos. Flint is a good shifter, and he’s doing everything he can tomake sure we are safe. Bruno, Flint’s wolf, is honorable, and he speaks to mesometimes. He is doing everything he can to keep us safe.
Before I can respond to Ebony, Flint starts to speak. “Thecouncil wants Tatiana to go to one of the recognized packs. I told them no, shedoesn’t want that, but they are pushing for it to happen. I told them to keeppushing, and you’d disappear and they’d never know what happened to you.” Flintgives me a huge smile, which I can’t help returning, although this is a seriousmatter. “The two council members, Anika and Holah, are being investigated anduntil the investigation is completed, they cannot be involved in any councilmatters.
“That, however, means they have time on their hands and Iwant you three to be vigilant, just in case they decide to come here and causemischief.”
“If they come here, they are in rogue territory and we dealwith them as we deal with any that come here to cause trouble. We don’t sufferidiots and we don’t put up with the likes of them coming after one of us. Wemay be rogues but we look after each other. Most of us have come frombackgrounds that we’d rather not speak of, but those same backgrounds have usall standing together when needed.” Poppa Lykos wraps an arm around Momma Akelaand pulls her tight to his body, kissing the top of her head.
“Because you asked for an investigation into your parent'sdeaths, I made a formal agreement that the council would look into it, and I’mhaving an independent shifter from Spirit Walker Pack run that investigation.”Flint looks over at me and I can see he’s doing everything he can to put thingsright.
“Thank you. It won’t bring them back, but if they weremurdered, the people that were involved in it should be punished. I lost myparents and my happy childhood through them, and they should lose their futuresfor what they did.”
“Leave it with me, Tatiana. I’m doing everything I can. Butyou need to stay safe. Always be aware of your surroundings, learn from Drakeas much as you can, and always listen to your wolf. Ebony will never lead youastray. She is one with you. I want to take you over to the Spirit Walker Pack.They’d be happy to have you stay for two weeks, to see how a pack should berun. Then maybe you can do some time in the other two packs. You’ll need thisinformation before you decide if you want to turn the town from a pack ofrogues to a legitimate pack.” Flint is looking at me closely, then turns toPoppa Lykos. “It’s the best way Lykos for her to see how a pack truly runs, andnot the spiteful, vindictive pack she has come from.”
Surprisingly, it’s Momma Akela who responds. “I agree withyou, Flint. The pack was a good one before Torrance got his hands on it. He wasa Beta and a mediocre one at that. When he took over as Alpha it was supposedto be on a temporary basis until Tati came of age. But as time went on, thewhole pack knew that he’d not pass the pack over to her. The Alpha commands hewas giving were all done in a way to knock Tati down. Most of us never saw Tatiafter her parents died as she was kept at the packhouse and now we find she wasbeing used like a slave.”
Flint pats her hand, as we can all see, she is gettingupset. “It’s okay, Akela, we are putting things right. I’m doing everything Ican to make sure Tatiana is alright and will be safe, and is strong enough tokeep herself safe if she has to.”
“I’ll go to the Spirit Walker Pack. If Momma Akela thinksit’s a good idea, then I’ll go, but only for two weeks. Oh and you can call meTati.”
“Thank you, Tati. Be ready Monday and I’ll come and take youmyself. I’ll arrange for the Alpha to meet you at the border.” Flint stands andgives a nod to Poppa Lykos before walking away, leaving me looking after him.
“Things are going to get interesting, Tati. Learn as much asyou can from the pack while you are there. They are a good pack, with a goodAlpha and the things they can teach you will be valuable if you decide to beour Alpha.” Poppa Lykos is looking at me with such a serious face that I canfeel that he wants me to turn the town into a pack and be the Alpha.
Yes, they all do. I can feel the need from them all. Theywant a pack to belong to, a pack to be devoted to, and an Alpha they can trust.
‘I’m still not sure, Ebony. I never see myself in a positionlike that. I may become a good Luna, but not sure about an Alpha.’
You are an Alpha female, and even when you meet your mateyou’ll still be an Alpha, but we’ll be happy to step back for him to lead thepack.
‘I never thought about having a mate, never thought we’dhave the opportunity. We’ll see what happens in the future, Ebony.’
“Come on, Brod is just arriving, and looks like he has Drakewith him. Time for some training, I think.” Poppa Lykos laughs as he sees mygrimace at the thought of more training.
I run inside and change into my training gear, and althoughit’s going to be wolf training, I know Drake will have me doing something in myhuman form.
Two hours later I’m lying on my back looking at the clouds,trying to get my breath under control. Brod is laughing and sits next to me onthe grass. “Come on, bestie, you can do better than that.”
“You climb the tree twelve times as fast as you can and seehow out of breath you are?” I gasp.
Drake is shaking his head at the both of us. He’s gottenused to Brod and me arguing playfully and being competitive. “Come on, both ofyou, we’re going into the forest.”
Walking behind Drake, I feel Brod shoulder me, and when Iturn to look at him, he’s grinning. “Whatever we’re going to be doing, I’llbeat you.”
“Oh, you will, will you?” I laugh, and we both turn to lookat Drake as he gives a chuckle that can only be called his evil one.