Page 42 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 42 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Thank you.” I manage to reply before Lyle takes my elbowand guides me to the stairs.

“Let’s go eat, Tati. I’m a growing boy and need my food.”

Looking over my shoulder when I hear the Luna laughing atLyle’s comment. She’s shaking her head as she’s following, and even Chief Glenhas a smile on his face.

The evening meal is good, the small talk stays away fromanything in particular and Flint is sitting on the left of me, with Lyle on theright. Across from me are the Alpha and Luna and they are a great couple. Theylaugh easily, but you can see they are highly respected and although they areeasy-going people, you can see they won’t suffer fools around them.

“I’m leaving early in the morning, Tati. But I’ll be back intwo weeks to head back home with you. If you need me sooner, I’ve left a phonein your room for you. You can call me and I’ll come or send someone for you.But take the opportunity to learn as much as you can while you are here.” Flintpats my hand.

“I think I’ll be okay. I’ll pay attention and I’ll do as I’madvised.” I reply, and we don’t mention it again during the evening.

I laugh with Lyle, who is slightly older than I am. He’sfun, clever and you can see he loves his parents as much as they love him. I’mtelling them all about an incident I had with Brod and, as we all laugh, Lylethrows his arm around my shoulder and hugs me. He’s just a touchy person, notin any sexual way, it’s just who he is.

That’s when I notice the evil look that Lavender is givingme from across the room. Ebony throws herself into my eyes and I’m sure theyare glowing. Lavender cannot maintain eye contact and although she curls herlip, she has shown I’m more dominant.

“Don’t let her get to you, Tati. She’s stupid. I’ve told hermany times I’m not interested. We’ve never had anything going on between us.Mom has told her a few times to leave me alone, but she just doesn’t seem toget the message.” Lyle sighs.

Grabbing his hand, I give it a squeeze, then whisper. “Lyle,I’ve met far nastier girls than her. She’ll have to do better than dirty looksto worry me.”

“She’s best friends with Jade, our female warrior, andrelies on Jade to fight her battles. So, when you’re training, be careful ofJade, as she may try to hurt you on Lavender’s behalf.”

“Okay, thanks for telling me. Now let’s forget them andenjoy the rest of the evening.” We smile together and that’s exactly what wedo. We have a great evening, laughing and telling silly stories. I even seeFlint wipe his eye a couple of times when he laughs so hard, he has tears.

Chapter 17


Sunday morning, and our first day at Spirit Walker Pack. So far, I’ve beenreceived well. Just a few pack members have given me odd or even hostile looks,but mostly I’ve met people who are friendly towards me being here.

Dressed in my training gear, I head downstairs and, seeing ayoung male at the bottom of the stairs, I head towards him. “Excuse me, couldyou tell me if breakfast is being served yet?”

“You’re a bit early. It’s only 5:00 am. It’ll be another twohours before they bring it out, with it being Sunday.” He’s around my age, Iwould guess, and looks like he’s not been to bed.

“Is it safe to run the perimeter of the packhouse? I’mlooking for somewhere I can go through my exercises and then run for a while.”Before he can reply we both turn when we hear someone speak.

“I’ll come with you Tatiana, I’m up to train anyway, andSunday we don’t have the pack training.” Lyle is smiling at me as he headstowards us. Nodding at the young male, he grins. “You been up all night againplaying games?”

“Yeah, I’ve beaten my record this time.” Walking towards thestairs, he turns and smiles. “Nice to meet you, Tatiana. Enjoy your exercises.”He doesn’t give me a chance to reply as he bounds up the stairs.

Turning towards Lyle, I give a slight smile. “I’m lookingfor somewhere to go through my routine, and then run for a while beforebreakfast.”

“Come on, I’ll go along with you. I enjoy doing my trainingroutine when it’s quiet on a Sunday, without the she-wolves hanging aroundbeing a pain in the ass.”

Following Lyle outside he talks about the pack, how they’vegrown over the last few years, and how his parents are creating a team of elitewarriors, then if it’s ever needed, they’ll be the first line of defense butcan also be sent to other packs that may need help.

On the other side of Spirit Walker Pack territory isno-man’s-land. The strip of land runs from Wolfsfoot town between Blood PearlPack territory. Running right through past Spirit Walker Pack and intono-man’s-land itself.

No-man’s-land is a huge area and anyone in that territory islikely to be feral. I’m sad to know that Fragina was banished there, but I’mthinking she’ll survive as she’s crafty and manipulative. If she finds herselfa feral male, she’s likely to form a bond by claiming him as a chosen mate.Then she’ll have the protection of a male to keep her safe.

Reaching the lawned area behind the packhouse, it’s quiet,and not a soul in sight. Looking around, you can see the trees placed behindthe packhouse giving the training area a type of privacy fence. This also suitsthe packhouse, where members can sit on the large patio area without watchingthe warriors fighting and training.

“What do you want to start with, Tatiana?” Lyle asks,gaining my attention.

“Please call me Tati. My friends all call me Tati, well whatfriends I have.” I grin, thinking of Brod, who would be up for this adventureat Spirit Walker Pack.

“Okay, I can do that. What do you mean by ‘what friends youhave’?”

“Well, I didn’t have friends in the pack I left, and I only haveone friend so far in town, but he tells me he’s my bestie now, and he is thebest of males, I’m sure. He just had his fifteenth birthday and can’t waituntil he’s sixteen to get his wolf.” I grin, then lift my necklace to showLyle.

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