Page 44 of Kingdom of Wolves
“The kitchen works like a well-oiled machine. Everyone takesa turn in the kitchen. It’s a privilege to serve meals to fellow pack members.We don’t see kitchen duty as a task to look down on, or as a punishment forsomething we’ve done wrong. We all take turns in here, even the female warrior,Jade.
“I do my days in the kitchen also, but the only one whowon’t do anything else but kitchen duty is Felicity, we all call her Flick. Sheloves being in the kitchen and is such a natural organizer that she is now ourkitchen manager. Flick makes sure everyone takes a turn from baking to washingdishes. Nobody ever gets the bad jobs all the time.” Luna Cinder giggles. “I lovethe way we do this, because who in their right mind wants to wash dishes day inand day out?”
I know she has no idea but my stomach somersaults knowingthat’s exactly what my life had been like before I escaped the pack. School,cleaning, and washing dishes. Something must show on my face as the Luna looksat me carefully, but I don’t need her sympathy so I smile at her and turn tothe female named Flick who has walked over to us.
“Hello, Luna Cinder. It’s not your turn in the kitchentoday.” Giving me a look and a smile. “Are you our visiting female? You remindme of somebody, hm, can’t remember.”
“This is Tatiana Winterstorm.” Luna Cinder states, andbefore she can say more, Flick grabs a hold of me and hugs me tightly.
“Oh, my goodness. I knew your mother. We were friends for along while. Then she met your father and puff that was that. But that’s why youremind me of somebody. You look so like her, but have your father’s eyes.”
“Let go of her Flick. For goodness sake.” Luna Cinderlaughs, and we all giggle when Flick lets go of me but has a huge smile on herface.
We spend half an hour in the kitchen talking with Flick. Itell her how the kitchen worked at Blackshadow Pack and the woman who ran thekitchen. The look she’s giving Luna Cinder and the one she gets in return tellsme neither of them like what they are hearing.
Lunchtime I sit with the Luna at the head table, we havesoup, fresh rolls, and an assortment of fruit afterward. Alpha Walker and Lylejoin us and we discuss what I’ve seen and learned throughout the morning.
Lyle tells his father about my tree-climbing abilities andtraining and the Alpha asks me a few questions before rubbing his chin, thengrinning. “I think we should see how flexible and fit our warriors are. You cancome with us after lunch, Tati, and we’ll do some testing for fitness.”
Luna Cinder giggles and looks at me with a huge smile on herface. “You’ve gone and done it now Tati, you’ll have Roman and Lyle pickingyour brain for new techniques they can use.”
“Oh, I’m not an expert by any means. I just do as my trainertells me.”
“Do you have a personal trainer or a pack trainer?” AlphaWalker asks.
“We have a ‘town’ trainer. He trains us in both our forms.He’s a hard taskmaster, but I like him. He never puts us through anythingwithout doing it with us first. It’s his way of saying he’d never ask anyone todo something that he can’t do, and knows it’s safe for us to do.”
“He sounds like a good man and a good trainer.”
“He trains anyone that asks him, as he is not recognizedlike your Chief Warrior in a pack, but he is keeping our town warriors on theborders.”
Lyle gives me a strange look, then asks. “You’re rogues, sowhy do you have warriors? Why do you have them on the border?”
“Yes, we are a town of rogues, but we are a town. We helpeach other. We watch the territory border because we don’t want feral roguescoming into town from no-man’s-land, either.” I finish the pieces of apple I’dbeen eating and wipe my hands on the paper napkin provided.
“I never realized.” Lyle is looking at me a bit weirdly, butI see Alpha Walker grinning. “When you go home, can I come too? I want to visityour town, meet the people and see for myself. I want to be a good Alpha whenit’s my turn and I don’t want any prejudice for people in the town. I know asall people we have good and bad, so you’ll have the same.”
“I’ll have to ask Poppa Lykos and Momma Akela because you’dhave to stay with us. We couldn’t have you staying in town on your own.” I’mwondering if Poppa Lykos would allow it or not.
“When I speak to Poppa Lykos I’ll ask him, but I’m notsure.”
“Okay, if he says no, then we asked.” Lyle doesn’t lookupset if he’s denied, but I also don’t think it’s totally Poppa Lykos'permission we’ll need. We’ll need it from the town council.
“I’ll speak to the town council, Tati, and see what theysay. I would need to let them know it’s educational and not any type oftakeover or aggressive stance.” Alpha Walker states, and I smile at him beforeresponding.
“I think that’ll be best because the town council has had alot on them of late. Especially since I got to town.” I don’t say more, but weboth know what I’m talking about.
Luna Cinder suddenly looks up and frowns. We all follow hergaze and see Lavender and Jade entering the dining hall, laughing loudly, whichsounds totally fake. I see the Luna shake her head in disgust then sheside-eyes the Alpha whose lips are thinned into a tight line looking prettyangry.
When the two females take a seat near our table, Lyle looksat his father and something passes between them. Turning to me, Lyle throws anarm around my shoulders and grins. “Play along,” Lyle whispers and I flick myeyes to Alpha Walker and I can see his eyes sparkling with mischief whilegiving me a slight dip of his head.
“Let’s go see the pups in the nursery.” Lyle looks me in theeye and I can see he wants to laugh out loud, but he’s holding it back.
Walking out of the dining hall, I can hear Lavender cursingand causing attention to herself, but what surprised me is when Alpha Walkerspeaks in a deep, angry voice. “My office, both of you, now!”
It’s not a case of when, it’s a case of now, and by thesound of his voice, they are in trouble. I look up at Lyle and he’s grinninglike a loon. “What’s going on?” I ask, while keeping my eyes on everyone aroundus.
“We’re hopefully getting that bitch off my back once and forall. Because if she doesn’t read the memo soon, she’s going to get herself andJade banned from the pack.”