Page 52 of Kingdom of Wolves
The pair didn’t respond, but both gave Tati nasty looks,which have more than a hint of retribution, showing if they ever got the chance.“You okay, Tati?”
“Yes, I’m fine, not even a scratch,” Tati replies to ChiefGlen.
Turning to head back to the farm, we all three come to astandstill when all the shop owners that had been closing up are now standingin wolf form and showing their support, and are ready to defend Tati if theyneed to.
The Mayor appears from the left of us and speaks to thewolves lining the street. “It’s okay, you can all go home now. Tati is fine,and the threat has gone. I’ve sent a message that the border warriors have towatch those two pass back into their pack land and then let me know. I’ll alsobe sending a message to the shifter council and to Alpha Torrance.”
The wolves mostly shift back and disperse while we standwith the Mayor to see if he has anything to add.
“Tati, take your visitors home. Nothing else will happen,I’m sure. But I will keep you informed if anything develops. Remember, we haveyour back and you have Flint and others of the council on your side.” The mayorgives Tati a pat on her shoulder, then walks away.
We make our way back to the farm, and after settling down atthe kitchen table, we update Lykos and Akela on what happened. They are bothlivid, and I can see the hair sprouting on Lykos’ arms until he gets himselfunder control.
I expected nothing exciting to happen while we were here,but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy beating that wolf, because I did and I’d do itagain in a heartbeat if needed.
Tomorrow, we’ll start training with Drake, and I can’t wait.Watching the speed and the moves Tati did while in wolf form was interestingand something I’m sure going to emulate when I get back to Spirit Walkerterritory.
Chapter 21
Yesterday was an eye-opener with Bellamy and Evangeline turning up, causingtrouble. But I have to giggle when I remember Lyle enjoying beating on Bellamy.He kept asking me if his style was good and how he could improve it, much toChief Glen’s amusement, I have to add.
The members of the town shifting, and ready to support us,surprised me, but Poppa Lykos and Momma Akela were not surprised at all. Thenthey explained that anyone coming into town has to be supportive as the townwill band together due to the fact everyone here has a history of one sort oranother. They keep each other safe, as a pack would, although they are not anofficial pack.
Since the Blackshadow pack only looked after the top, orcream of the pack, as they called it, the rest were left to fend forthemselves. That’s the reason so many are trying to get away from the pack andfind somewhere better, even if it’s here as a rogue.
Drake steps into the kitchen, and I give him a smile. “I’mready. Do you want me to call Chief Glen and Lyle?”
“I suppose so. I’m not very happy about all this Tati, butif it gets you support for the future and the town, then so be it.” Drake turnsand steps outside, looking pretty annoyed.
Turning to look at Momma Akela, she grimaces. “Call them andget to it. Don’t keep him waiting because it’ll only make it far worse.”
Stepping to the bottom of the staircase, I shout. “CHIEFGLEN, LYLE, DRAKES HERE, COME ON, QUICKLY.”
I don’t hang around because I’m not going to get my assreamed because they were late. Kissing Momma Akela on the cheek as I pass, Iwalk out of the kitchen and to the paddock where Drake is standing, arms foldedacross his chest and a huge frown on his face.
“Okay, do your warmup exercises, then I want to see how fastyour shift is,” Drake states, and taps his fingers on his sides as he watches.
Lyle runs over and quickly copies what I’m doing, but ChiefGlen steps to the side of Drake and they speak to each other quietly. I don’thear anything as I’m too busy making sure my warmup exercises are right,because I know I’ll have to do them again if Drake isn’t happy.
Fifteen minutes later, I’m standing and trying not to smirkas Lyle is puffing and wiping sweat off his forehead. When he turns to me andsees I’m not puffing at all he frowns, then gives Chief Glen a dirty look asthough it’s all his fault.
Drake steps toward me and, as always, has a serious look onhis face. “I want you to shift, shift back, but keep your claws. Ebony willhelp you do this.”
Oh, this will be fun. Come on Tati, we can do it.
‘You are going to have to help me, Ebony.’ I say and I canhear her excitement because she loves anything new.
I give Drake a nod, take a deep breath and shift, shiftingback quickly and when I look at my hands, only three have claws. I look up atDrake and he has a slight lift on the corner of his lip, but amusement shows inhis eyes. “Again.” He states, and it takes a dozen times before I can shift andkeep the claws as I should have.
Lyle shifts fast into Hunter and back again, but he only hasone claw out, and the disgusted look on his face has me giggling. Drake givesme a look and I quickly get myself under control and into serious mode.
Once Lyle has managed to do the shift and claw, I smile athim and he is smiling broadly back at me. But before we can get comfortable,Drake barks to get in the forest and up a tree, and we have only two minutes.
I bolt and run full speed, jump and climb as fast as I can,and when I look down, I see Drake checking a stopwatch. Now when the heck didhe start using that?
Chief Glen is chuckling and when I look to the right Lyle ishalfway up the tree next to mine, but his foot is stuck inside a hole that itlooks like he created with the force he hit the tree with when he jumped.