Page 56 of Kingdom of Wolves
“Rust said Toxic is past saving. He’s feral, and it’s onlythe last part of goodness in the Alpha holding him back. But it won’t be longbefore he goes on a killing spree.”
I study Goldman’s face and see sadness but resolve in hisface. Turning to Connell, I see a myriad of emotions cross his face before helocks them down.
Sighing, Connell turns to me. “My wolf Knight has beentelling me for a few weeks that we don’t have long before we have to killToxic. His craziness is going to burst out and he’ll kill before we can stophim.
“We either allow Beta Goldman to challenge the Alpha andbecome our next Alpha, or I’ll have to do it. Which way would the council jumpif that happened?”
“If the Alpha is challenged legitimately because he’s notrunning the pack according to our laws, then there is no comeback. We all knowthat is a viable option. The only two that would side with the Alpha are Anikaand Hulah, and what they have going on with the Alpha, I don’t know. Yetanyway. But that gives a majority being for rather than against, remember thereare six shifter council members and that would leave four in favor.” I’m doingmy best to reassure Connell he’d not have to be investigated if this actionhappened, and I’m sure it will sooner rather than later if all I’m hearing istrue.
“Let us speak and think on this for a couple of days Flint.I’d like to speak to you privately later, Beta, if that’s okay?” Connell asks,and the Beta gives him a nod of agreement. After we finish our drinks, I standready to move along to check the pack members.
“I would like to walk around the pack, Connell, check thefeelings that are floating around. See what is going on, and if there isanything more, I can do to help you.”
Making our way around the pack, it’s very obvious themembers are beaten down emotionally. Hardly any meet you in the eye and dotheir best not to speak. The females are the worst as they stink of stress andfear. I look at Connell, who is visibly getting more and more upset. I place myhand on his shoulder and squeeze it, letting him know I understand.
Three hours later, we are sitting in the dining hall and I’mwatching everyone eating. Keeping their heads down, they eat and get out asfast as they can. I look at Connell and shake my head. “We’ve got to dosomething, Connell, or there will be no pack to save.”
“I know.” Connell stands and walks out of the dining hall,shoulders rounded and head down. I can feel his stress, hurt, and anger, whichare rolling off him like a river flowing downstream.
The next few days I walk around with Connell, reassuring thepack things will improve and they all check if Connell agrees. When he givesthem a slight nod, it’s easy to see the relief cross their faces.
“Merry wants to speak with you if you can find the time,Flint?” Beta Goldman says as he walks up to me. I was watching the warriorstrain and thinking they are not as controlled or forceful as I’ve seen atSpirit Walker Pack, and they’ll need to improve if they want to keep theirborders safe in the future.
“Who’s Merry?”
“She’s the oldest pack member. She lives on the outskirts ofthe pack now, not wanting the noise of the young pups or the drama from packmembers. She’s also staying away from the Alpha.” Beta Goldman grins. “Shehates him with a vengeance, but no one knows why.”
“Okay, let’s go speak with Merry.”
Now, when he told me she lives on the outskirts of the pack,I didn’t realize he meant an hour away and in the middle of the forest in asmall log cabin. It’s peaceful, and she has a patch of flowers and vegetablesgrowing, which attracts the bees and butterflies. It is pleasant and if I wasretiring from the shifter council, this would be something I would enjoy.
Tapping on the door gets my attention back to Beta Goldmanand when the door opens, an old shifter female waves us inside. “Come on,before you both get seen.”
Seen? By whom? We’re in the middle of nowhere, so I’m notsure why she’s worried about anyone seeing us.
“Good day, Merry. Do you have everything you need?”
The Beta is a good male, and he’s a good pack member. If hehas to take the role of Alpha, I’m sure he’ll do a good job because hisgreat-grandfather was an Alpha, so the Beta carries the gene.
“Yes. When you get to my age, you don’t need much. Now comeon, take a seat and I’ll make us a chamomile tea.”
We follow Merry into a small but welcoming kitchen and takea seat. I seem to be going from one kitchen to the next, but if it’s going tohave people feeling comfortable, then I’m okay with it.
Placing a cup in front of me and the Beta before settlinginto her seat, Merry, for the first time, fully looks at me.
“Hello, Merry. It’s nice to meet you. Now, what can I do foryou?” This kind of female won’t like my pussy footing around, they likedirectness and honesty.
“Alpha Torrance had Tatiana’s parents killed. You know thatbut have done nothing about it. Why?” Now that takes me by surprise.
“No, I don’t know that, but I have started an investigationinto what happened. A member of the Spirit Walker Pack is also looking into itas an independent pack for me. What do you know Merry, but remember, we needproof to act.”
“When the Winterstorms died, Beta Torrance stepped up beforethey recovered the bodies. He knew before it was reported that they were goingto die. When the pack felt the lifeline snap, it was only seconds before hesnapped into place. That doesn’t happen unless you are ready for it, and asthey were not ill and dying, how would he know unless he had it planned? Threepack warriors went missing that night and were found dead days later, throatsripped out.” Merry leans forward in her seat, looking me right in the eye,waiting for me to agree.
I look at the Beta and he’s looking sick, and I know thatone of the males was his cousin. “Did you have an idea about this?” I ask himbecause if he did, he’s a better male than I am for sitting on it all theseyears.
“I could never find the connection to throw any accusationsand we all know it’s a death sentence to point fingers without proof when we’respeaking of Alpha Torrance.”
“We’ll get to the end of this. Merry, if you rememberanything else, you let me know. Give me something to write my contact detailson and I’ll give you Gabriel’s, as he’s working for me.”