Page 60 of Kingdom of Wolves
‘What?’ Ebony takes me by surprise with this comment, asshe’s not spoken about mates before.
Mate, not here. I keep getting his scent, but onlylightly. I cannot pinpoint where it’s coming from as it goes away.
‘Well, I’m not sure I want a mate or need one. You know I’mnot confident with male shifters.’
You will love mate. He’s a good mate. We’ll find him,eventually.
‘Yeah, yeah.’ I’m not convinced of the mate thing. But Ihave seen how two shifters meeting their mate react, and it’s a powerful sight.
Climbing out of bed, I quickly shower and dress. It’sSaturday, and I promised Momma Akela I’d help in the vegetable garden. Drake isnot coming today for training, so that gives me a day off and I’m pleased aboutthat. All the training had me tired when I came back from Spirit Walker Pack. Ijust needed a little time to recuperate.
My birthday is coming up and I’m looking forward to it as Iinvited Brod and his parents, plus Lyle and Chief Glen. They all said they’dcome, but we’ll have to see because things always have a way of going wrongaround me.
Downstairs I make myself a smoothie, quickly drinking it andheading outside where Momma Akela has made a start on weeding the first row ofvegetables.
“Morning Momma.”
“Morning Tati. You look brighter this morning.”
“Yeah. I feel better, actually. I was so tired when I cameback from the Spirit Walker Pack that it’s taken me a while to feel fullyenergized.”
Momma Akela looks over at me and smiles. “You had a lothappen in a relatively short space of time, and Drake put you through a lot,which I think took it out of you. Is Ebony coping alright?”
“Yes, Ebony is fine. She talks to me all the time now and Ilove feeling her in the back of my mind. She speaks to some of the otherwolves, too.”
“What? My goodness, she has to be strong if she can do that.Usually, that happens when you are related or from the same pack.”
I grin broadly and proudly. “She is strong, and she lovestalking to others. I bet they don’t have a choice either.”
Giggling, I hear Ebony speak. You’ve got a nerve. I enjoytalking to the others and if we have a pack, then they need to know us, theyneed to follow, and more importantly, I need to know who stands against us.
‘You don’t think we’ll have challenges, do you?’ waiting forEbony to reply. My eyes flick to Momma Akela, who is patiently waiting.
Maybe, maybe not, but no matter, we will meet everythingas it happens.
“Everything okay?”
“Ebony said she’s getting to know all the wolves she can, soshe’ll know if we stand as a leader who will stand with or against us. I neverthought about anyone challenging us.”
Momma Akela walks over and pats my forearm. “Don’t worryabout things that may not happen. It’s not worth getting upset about. Now comeon, we need to get this garden weed free.”
The rest of the morning is spent weeding and talking aboutthe council and what I’ve been learning. It’s a nice morning, although I’m notthe best gardener, as Momma Akela keeps telling me I’m pulling her seedlingsand not the weeds.
Placing the gardening tools away, we head inside and wash upbefore I pick up a bag of chips and head outside to sit in the sun. I look overwhen I hear my name called and see Brod running toward me. A smile crosses myface easily because he is such a delight to be around.
“It’s your birthday next week. It’s going to be fun. Haveyou planned what we’re going to do for your party?”
“No, but I invited Lyle and Chief Glen. I think Drake willturn up as I heard Poppa Lykos telling him about it.” I laugh as I look atBrod. “I hope he doesn’t plan any games where we’ll be running and fighting.”
Brod throws his head back and snorts. “He wore you out, andI’ve got to admit I was pretty tired of all that tree climbing.”
“What are you going to do this afternoon?” I ask him and hesits next to me, rubbing his hands over his knees.
“No idea. I’m staying here with you if that’s okay?”
“Of course, it’s okay. How about we go for a walk over tothe river and do a little fishing?”
Brod’s eyes light up and sparkle. “Yeah. Let me get the gearfrom Mr. Lykos.” Before I can reply and offer to get the fishing gear, he’s inthe farmhouse.