Page 63 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 63 of Kingdom of Wolves

Walking into the entrance hall, I look up when I hearGabriel calling to me. I give him a close inspection because he has a massivebruise on the side of his face, frowning I lift a questioning eyebrow at him.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Phoenix will have it healed in no time.How did things go at the Blackshadow Pack? Was my father okay?”

“Come on, let's go into the kitchen. I need a drink before Ishower and get some sleep.”

Walking into the kitchen, Gabriel points for me to sit onthe bench in front of the kitchen window while he puts the kettle on andprepares the teapot, before turning back and waiting for my response to hisquestions.

“Let me assure you that your father is fine. He’s ready totake out the Alpha himself if need be. It seems Alpha Torrance is on the edgeof becoming feral, but Connell should be the one to kill him. If your fatherdoes it, he’ll become pack Alpha and I don’t want him risking himself.”

Gabriel finishes making the tea and passes me a cup andsaucer, taking a seat himself near the counter. “I’m not surprised. He alwaystold me that someday something would have to happen to stop Alpha Torrance. IfConnell wants to be the Alpha, he needs to grow up, get his priorities rightand put his pack first. He’s always been so scared of his father that I’m notsure he’ll be able to do it.”

“I think he’ll step up when something happens that sparksConnell’s wolf into overriding Connell’s wishes. We all know our wolves willonly take so much bullshit from us before they decide we need them to step up.It happened to me once when I only had my wolf a couple of years, and I’ll tellyou, Gabriel, it’s a frightening thing.”

“Let’s hope so because I don’t want my father to step up tobe that pack’s Alpha. Now, do you want my report now or after you’ve rested?”

“After I’ve rested, I’m too tired to eat, so I’ll shower andsleep. If anything urgent comes up, wake me.” I hand Gabriel my cup and saucerand head upstairs, feeling pretty drained.

Much later that evening, I walk into my office and take aseat behind the desk. Check the paperwork piles for my attention, but my mindwanders to the Blackshadow Pack and how Connell is going to fare on his own.I’m not sure he has a support system in place apart from Beta Goldman. I mayhave to go back again and make sure we won’t have a pack war start if Connellhas to step up as Alpha.

Knocking on the door, I look up as Gabriel and Roul enterslowly. Both look like they’d rather be somewhere else. “Okay, come in, sitdown, and tell me.”

“The Spirit Walker Pack member who has been investigatingthe deaths of Tatiana Winterstorm’s parents has found evidence that AlphaTorrance had them murdered. Benjamin will be here tomorrow with the evidenceyou need to take to the shifter council.” Roul states clearly and with a hintof his anger threaded in the tone.

Nodding, because it’s what I suspected, and after othersI’ve spoken to have given rise to those suspicions, to get the evidence iswhat’s needed to get past this and to get Blackshadow Pack healing andsurviving. “Was it conclusive?”

“Yes, it was. At the home of one male, we found a diary withall the information and an apology for Tatiana. It seems the male realized toolate that he was a threat to the Alpha once they did the job, and he knew hewouldn’t be allowed to live. So, he left this in his diary to be found, hopingeventually the Winterstorms and his death would be avenged.” Roul updates.

“Okay. Do you have the diary?”

“I have it put away safely but didn’t want to carry itaround until you came back. But I can bring it here anytime you need it, or Ican meet you at the shifter council with it? I don’t mind either way, but I’llhave Gabe come with me in case someone tries to intercept my arrival.”

“Good idea. I’m going to call a council meeting in themorning. I’ll let you know what time to arrive at the council. Gabe, did youfind anything on Anika and Holah?”

“It’s as you intimated. They had a sexual relationship goingwith Alpha Torrance. I brought them in for questioning after Porter Riverruntold me to find out as much as I could before you returned. They want to speakto you about it at the first available council meeting.” Gabriel is going to bea good member of the council if he doesn’t find his mate and follow her to herpack. But it’s not unknown for a she-wolf to join the male's pack, so time willgive me that answer.

“I’ll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow. Tonight, I needto eat and catch up on the paperwork. I’m hoping nothing else has happened thatneeds my attention quickly.”

Gabriel stands and looks at Roul, giving him a chin lift toget moving from the office. I cover the smirk with my hand and look at Gabriel,who is walking towards the door, turning just as he leaves. “I’ll make sure ameal is ready for you in an hour. Do you need anything else?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you, and yes, an hour is good. I canlook through this in that time.”

The next morning, I’m ready for the meeting and with Anikaand Holah under house arrest until Ulmer, Porter and I decide what is the bestcourse of action.

Walking to the Shifter Council offices, I enjoy the freshair and the peace. Looking up the mountain, I promise myself a hike up to thetop one of these days. It has been years since I’ve done that in wolf form.

Entering the council chambers, I take my seat at the tablein the center of the room. This is the meeting room for shifter council membersonly, and not the room where the council speaks with packs regarding territoryand other issues.

Ulmer and Porter are seated and looking like they’ve beenhere a little while if the looks on their faces are anything to go by. Raisingan eyebrow, I wait for one of them to speak.

Seems Ulmer is to be the one to break the silence. “I’vespoken with Roul, Gabriel, and two others that have been dealing with all thismess we are living through. There is evidence that Holah and Anika have beenplaying some nasty sexual games with Torrance, and I’m not calling him AlphaTorrance as he should never have had that title.

“I understand the three of them do not have mates anymore,but that is no excuse to disrespect their positions as shifter council members.We uphold the laws, teach and show respect, and we have to have integrity wecan be trusted and looked up to.”

Porter is nodding his head in agreement, tapping hisfingertips on the table, and I can see he’s as upset over this as much as Ulmeris. “I would like to place a motion that Holah and Anika be removed from thecouncil effective immediately, and they be banished to no-man’s-land becausethey betrayed the council and gave their support to a Beta who should neverhave been left to continue running a pack. We have found through you Flint, theevidence they’ve been supporting his position, keeping Tatiana Winterstorm fromfulfilling her destiny, and treating her like a pack slave instead of thefuture heir to the pack. It’s unforgivable, and I, for one, am happy to seethem thrown into no-man’s-land.”

“There is more,” I add before he calls for a show of hands.“I have evidence that Alpha Torrance had the Winterstorms murdered.”

Porter jolts in his seat and looks at me with eyes as wideas an owl’s. “You’re sure? If you have, we’ll have that Alpha out of that packfaster than you can say sausages.”

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