Page 77 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 77 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Have you given any thought to taking a chosen mate or abreeder?” Alpha Connell comes right out and asks.

“No, I’m doing neither,” I respond and when I hear Jacksonchuckle, my hackles rise, Phoenix growls deep in my chest, and I turn to lookat Jackson with Phoenix’s green eyes glowing with dislike.

“I’m arranging everyone’s matings and you’ll be mated withEvangeline. She wanted to be Luna, but it’s not going to happen.” Alpha Connellstates still looking at me but more closely.

I chuckle and look him right in the eye, with Phoenixglowing strongly in mine. “I, Gabriel Goldman, reject…” but before I can saymore, Jackson tackles me to the ground, causing Phoenix to burst out of myskin.

Phoenix is red and large. He turns fast and takes a bite outof Jackson, who isn’t anywhere near to shifting as I was. The Alpha shouts tostop, and the Beta joins the fray, helping Jackson restrain Phoenix. Once theyhave Phoenix pinned to the ground, I quickly allow myself to shift back.

“I will NEVER take as a chosen mate or breeder that dirtyskank Evangeline. I will reject you and this pack and you as my sire.” I snarl,turning to look at each of them in turn. “You all make me sick. You wanted tobe a decent Alpha? Well, this is not the way, and as my sire and Beta, you are adisgrace.”

Turning, I storm out of the office for the second time andI’m well ready to reject this pack and leave. I’ll update Thomas and Iona onwhat’s happened, and it’ll give Iona time for her sister to get out of the packand away from what’s about to happen.

Two days later, Flint arrives and I’m more than pleased tosee him. I’m surprised, however, he’s in a truck and not on his motorcycle. Iwatch from the side of the packhouse as Bellamy meets Flint and walks insidewith him. But I know shit’s about to hit the fan and can’t wait for it tohappen.

“What’re you smirking at?”

Turning when I hear that, I grin at Thomas. “I called Flint,and we’ll see now if they want to force chosen mates and breeders.”

We laugh together, as we know Flint is no fool, and he’spowerful. He will have the backing of the other three council members, I’msure. But the council does need to take on two more members to replace thosethat were dispatched.

Walking into the packhouse laughing with Thomas, I give aset look when I hear my name called by the Beta. “You are required in theoffice.”

Giving the Beta a nod, I tell Thomas I’ll see him later andwalk to the office, knock, and enter. Flint is standing in front of thefireplace looking relaxed and giving me a nod as he points at the chair next tohim. “Take a seat, Gabriel.”

Flint clears his throat and Alpha Connell, Beta, and myselfall wait for what he has to say. “It’s come to my attention that you AlphaConnell are trying to force chosen mates and breeders onto the pack. It’s notgoing to happen. Breeders were ruled out years ago and nothing will convincethe council to restart that archaic practice. If you want to have all yourfemales flood out of your pack, that is the way to do it. Chosen mates are justthat, chosen. You cannot insist a pack member choose a mate.”

Alpha Connell and the Beta look over at me and I shrugbecause I’m not scared to admit I told Flint what was going to happen here. Thedoor bursts open and Merry walks inside the office. Placing her hands on thedesk, Merry leans into Alpha Connell and snarls rattling the window frame inher anger.

“Do you want to have this pack fall apart? Don’t you thinkwe have all suffered enough under the rule of your psychotic sire? Do you wantto push our females into taking a mate or breed just for the sake of increasingthe pack size? No, no one has told me directly, but I have ears and people talkto me, and maybe you shouldn’t have people like Bellamy and Evangeline in yourinner circle because they can’t keep their mouths shut.”

Looking at Flint, I can see he’s trying hard not to laughand when he places the palm of his hand over the lower half of his face, I knowhe’s struggling to contain it. The Beta looks like he was caught with his pantsdown and Alpha Connell looks like a ten-year-old caught with his hand in thecookie jar.

“You,” Merry says and points at the Beta. “Should knowbetter. How could you stand by and watch females of the pack be used likewalking wombs? Shame on you Beta Goldman, shame on you.”

When the Beta opens his mouth to respond, Merry points athim again. “Shut your mouth. Nothing you say will make me less angry ordisgusted with your behavior.”

Flint walks over to Merry and wraps an arm around hershoulders. “Calm, Merry. It will be dealt with. Before I leave, I want to speakto you about something very important.”

“I’m disgusted that this has even been spoken about. Iunderstand wanting the pack to move forward and create pups, but not like thisand not having breeders again. The females of the pack will run before you canimplement this idea and I, for one, will help them leave.” Merry scowls atAlpha Connell, letting it be known how upset and angry she is. Alpha Connell isrubbing his forehead and is looking like he’d rather be anywhere else but here.

“If you want to attract mates to the pack, why don’t youhold a mating ball? We used to hold them in my grandfather's day, and they wereoccasions that we welcomed and enjoyed. All the packs would hold one inrotation, so a pack didn’t have the cost of them every year.” I suggest and Isee Flint look at me with interest, then turn to Alpha Connell, lifting aquestioning eyebrow.

“That’s an idea I never thought about, but it’s a good one.”Alpha Connell states and he looks over at his Beta, who in turn nods.

The rest of the day is spent talking over ideas for a matingball, and Merry stayed without an invitation because no one dares ask her toleave. The idea blossomed the longer we spoke of it, and with the amount oforganizing that would need to be done to make sure it was successful, we agreedthat in the middle of the year, while the weather was good, the packhouse lawncould be lit up and used.

I walk away later and feel better about being in the pack,but the ease with which Alpha Connell suggested his original ideas still sitsbadly in my gut. No way would I ever settle for a chosen mate, and I wouldnever use a breeder just so I could have a pup. I’d rather not have a pup thango down that route.

After a quick bite to eat, I head outside and shift, runningto the border to check the warriors. I do this three or four times a week, soeach of the warriors knows I am always available and interested in how they aredoing on patrol. Hearing a noise to my right, Phoenix turns his head and seesBruno, Flint’s wolf, joining me.

Chapter 31


After lunch we continue walking around the pack, meetingmembers who I have to say are happy and relaxed. It's good to see a packsurround themselves in the businesses, and the general running of the packitself.

Alpha Aurora encourages each member to do something in thepack that they enjoy. The warrior training is interesting, as all the memberstrain during the day and only have one day in the week away from training.

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