Page 85 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 85 of Kingdom of Wolves

Four hours later I’m exhausted, but I have all the warriorsin line to be treated in order of urgency. The most urgent have been treatedand are in the pack infirmary. I smile when I see some of the pack femalesbeing dragged into the infirmary to help, and that happened because they didn’tturn up to fight. Evangeline is one of them, and she’s kicking up a fuss whichI see is nipped in the bud by none other than Merry.

Two days later and the pack has calmed. The infirmary is nowhosting only the ones that had serious injuries. I’ve been able to stay awayfrom Alpha Connell and Beta Goldman. I still cannot bring myself to see him asmy father because of the breeder incident. I know he’s hurt by my rejection ofhim, but I just cannot condone what they were planning to do.

Flint had luckily gone off pack land to do some councilbusiness, so he’s not been involved in the attack. But I heard he’ll be back atthe pack later today.

Sitting in the dining area, I look around and wonder if thisis what my future looks like. Being on call by an Alpha that I don’t fullyrespect isn’t much of a prospect.

“Can you follow me, Gabe? We need to talk.”

Looking up, I cringe as I see the Beta waiting for me tofollow. I suppose I have little choice, as he’s using his Beta authority atthis point.

Following the Beta to his office, I step inside and stand infront of his desk. Closing the door behind him, the Beta steps to his side ofthe desk and looks at me closely. “Please, take a seat.”

I’m thinking I don’t want a seat, but again, I have nochoice. I sit and keep myself as relaxed as I can when all I want to do is ripinto him about who he has become.

“I understand why you are angry. I’m not proud of what Iagreed to do, and I’m not sure I could have gone through with it when the timecame. I was trying to support my Alpha, a new Alpha who although wanted tobring breeders back, had and has the pack's welfare at heart.

“He has a lot to learn yet, Gabe. But he’s trying to do theright thing for the pack’s future, and none of us can dispute that having matedpairs and pups isn’t the way forward.” Rubbing the back of his neck, the Betalooks back at me. “I miss my son, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get ourrelationship back.”

“I’ve never been disappointed or embarrassed by my sire. Iemulated you all my life because you have always been fierce, loyal, andupstanding. But I don’t recognize who you are at the moment. My sire wouldnever have agreed to take a breeder. It’s wrong on so many levels, but todemoralize our females, humiliate them, and show we only value their wombstells how low this pack has fallen.” I can see my words are like daggers, but Iwon’t pretty up the words because nothing anyone can say would have me agree towhat had been planned. I stand ready to leave but turn and add. “Oh, and it’snever going to happen that I mate with Evangeline or any other female thatisn’t my mate. I’ve waited a long time to find my mate and I’ll wait as long asit takes. For all I know, she may not have been born yet.”

“I’ll speak to Alpha Connell. We are having the mating balland I hope we’ll find some mates for the pack then. I hope you will find yourmate too. I’ll do my best to make this right.”

Nodding as I walk to the door, I turn and look my sire inthe eye, seeing the sadness for myself. “I’ll speak to you soon, father.” Andat his surprised look, I turn and walk out of the office because that’s thebest I can give him at the moment.

The next day Flint arrives and, after he’s been updated onthe rogue incident, he asks me to follow him. Walking behind him, I realize weare heading to Merry’s home.

“This could be tricky, or simple. I’m hoping for simple, butyou never know with she-wolves.” Flint mumbles and as I’m not sure if he wantsa response or not, I keep quiet.

Knocking on the door, we wait quietly for Merry to answer.When the door opens and the elder female looks us over, I grin. “Come on in,and Gabe, take that smirk off your face.”

The grin disappears instantly, and I look down, chastised.That’s before we even get inside. Flint chuckles and pats me between theshoulders. “Ornery females, I tell you. You just never know with them.”

“Shut up and get in the kitchen or get back out the frontdoor.” Merry grumbles. We follow her to the kitchen and take a seat at thekitchen table. Watching her bustle around, putting the kettle on, warming theteapot, and placing cups onto saucers.

Patiently waiting, I follow Flint's lead and keep quiet,watching Merry make and pour the tea. I thank her when she places a cup andsaucer in front of me, but I’m wondering how the heck my big fingers are goingto hold the delicate porcelain cup with the tiny handle on the side.

Taking a seat, Merry looks at Flint. “So, what do you want?You haven’t come here to have a cup of tea and a chinwag, so what is it you want?”

Flint smirks. “Can’t pull the wool over your eyes, Merry.”Taking a sip of his tea, placing the cup down on the saucer carefully beforecontinuing. “I need you to consider becoming a Shifter Council member. We haveplaces vacant, and we need to fill them with trustworthy shifters that haveknowledge, patience, and kindness, and can stand solidly, if and when it isneeded. You, my dear Merry, fit that perfectly. You’d get your own house tolive in near the shifter council building. The one thing you cannot do is stayhere.”

I’m watching Merry closely and if it wasn’t that I’d getmyself into trouble, I’d laugh at the shocked look on her face. Placing her cupdown with a bang, she turns to Flint and scrunches her face before opening andclosing her mouth a few times. Stands and walks out the back door into thegarden.

Flint picks up his cup once more, grins, then looks at me.“She’ll come around.” Winking at me before continuing to drink.

It must be twenty minutes before Merry walks back into thekitchen, takes her seat, and picks up her cup, drinking the tea down in onegulp. Placing the cup on the saucer, she turns to Flint. “When do you need newcouncil members?”

“Immediately.” Flint throws out as though he doesn’t have acare in the world.

“What about my home here?”

“Well, you can keep it. Then, if you decide to retire andwant to come back, you can. Or you can sell it if you own it, and live out yourlife in the house you’ll be given.”

“Okay. But…” Merry gives Flint a stern look. “You organizeeverything, get me packed up, and then set up at your end.” Folding her armsacross her chest, giving Flint a smirk, but I’ve seen him in action and if shethinks that’s got one over on him, she’s wrong.

“Okay,” Flint replies, places his cup and saucer next to thesink, then turns to me. “Come along, Gabe. We have some organizing to do. Thesooner we get Merry packed up and moved, the sooner she can get to work.”

I give Merry a quick tip of my head in respect as I followFlint out of the house and down the path away from the little house. Fiveminutes into our walk back to the packhouse, Flint chuckles, splutters, thenfull-on laughs, throwing his head back. “That’s the way to get the old dears onyour side, Gabe, and don’t you forget it.”

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